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Question about wintrading


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> @"Acandis.3250" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > Not sure if it's win trading and don't want to get in trouble for it.

> > >

> > > Situation 1: Playing the game, we are winning, someone DC's.... They come back but it's too late, we are losing... Someone in team chat mentions they shouldn't have come back for the sake of the team, the guy leaves again and someone (me) sends them gold with a thank you for their consideration.

> > >

> > > Situation 2: We lost the mid fight, the scourge says he's afk but never disconnects from the match and just sits in base... Someone offers him 25g to just leave the game completely and he does.

> > >

> > > Any of those examples win trading? Or is purely paying someone on the other team to throw?

> >

> > Don't do either of these scenarios.


> This answer is a bit too absolute for the complex scenarios that these situations paint.


> Back in the day (before loss-forgiven system existed) in high-rated matches, it was customary to honor an AFK or a DC, by simply having 1 person AFK in base until the enemy AFK came back/re-connected. That's just good sportsmanship. Of course, you can argue that this "honorable" behavior isn't necessary since statistically DCs are gonna happen to pretty much everyone and in the long-run the points one gains from an enemy DC and the points one loses for ally DC should net to zero.


> That being said, as soon as the loss-forgiven system was implemented, all of this was thrown out the window. You introduced a system in which "win-trading" can thrive--and do so with virtually no risk. By having the option for 4 out of 5 players to not lose rating if someone takes the hit, you've invited abusive behavior to be part of the game.


> That being said, I rarely see the cries for "omg you sux pls DC so we don't lose point" in high rated games. It is mostly when I'm smurfing in gold or lower that I see this behavior.


> Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is this:

> **If you don't want people to abuse the system, just remove it entirely.** It shouldn't exist. Yea, losing because you had a DC feelsbadman, but you are just as likely to win as many games because of enemy DC as well.


> Removing loss-forgiven won't remove win-trading entirely but I am certain that it will remove A LOT of it.


When a game developer gives you such a definitive no frills answer you should take it and move on. Just ask Bhagawan.

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Both examples are rank manipulation. The problem is that you are paying people to DC to protect your rank.


I do believe that if you DC in ranked, it's common courtesy to stay DCed long enough for the match to end (long enough for your dishonor to end, actually). But the minute gold is involved, it becomes manipulation and can create a ton of problems.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Not sure if it's win trading and don't want to get in trouble for it.

> >

> > Situation 1: Playing the game, we are winning, someone DC's.... They come back but it's too late, we are losing... Someone in team chat mentions they shouldn't have come back for the sake of the team, the guy leaves again and someone (me) sends them gold with a thank you for their consideration.

> >

> > Situation 2: We lost the mid fight, the scourge says he's afk but never disconnects from the match and just sits in base... Someone offers him 25g to just leave the game completely and he does.

> >

> > Any of those examples win trading? Or is purely paying someone on the other team to throw?


> Don't do either of these scenarios.


I have to ask... Are there any plans to alleviate these issues we face in rank?



I did make a thread about it, but maybe putting PIPS into unranked wouldn't be a bad thing....



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