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"Weapon Strength" for utility skills

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In game, each skill that deals damage shows a tool tip on how much damage that skill does. According to the wiki, the damage value shown in any given skill's tool tip is a result of the following equation:

Damage = [average weapon strength] * power * [skill-specific coefficient] / 2597

What is this "average weapon strength" for a level 80 character's utility skill which doesn't actually use a weapon?

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> To clarify: even if the skill doesn't actually "use" your weapons, it still calculates damage based on their strength.


...except for the ones that don't, which are noted as exceptions on the wiki. Because nothing in life is ever that simple. Tanner is absolutely correct that "equipped weapon" is the default source of that value, however.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > To clarify: even if the skill doesn't actually "use" your weapons, it still calculates damage based on their strength.


> ...except for the ones that don't, which are noted as exceptions on the wiki. Because nothing in life is ever that simple. Tanner is absolutely correct that "equipped weapon" is the default source of that value, however.


The weapon strength of your equipped weapon is the default value used to calculate the damage of your weapon skills, but not for your _utility skills_. From the wiki: "The weapon strength used for a skill will typically be that of the weapon associated with that skill; **utility and elite skills are typically not affected by weapon strength** and use a range based on the player's level." So you can unequip your weapon, and the utility skill will still do the same damage as when you have a weapon equipped (excluding, of course, any power attribute bonus provided by that weapon). I have tested this to be correct.

But the damage of _utility skills_ is still calculated the same way; they still use an internal value for "weapon strength" which is fixed, and only changes with your level. This value seems to be hidden, yet the folks who added these skills to the wiki included accurate damage listings, so this value must be known. What is this value for a level 80 character?

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