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Suggestion: lfg monitor

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Regarding lfg, I was thinking of either a favorites tab or a monitor tab (or both in one) , where you can save specific lfg categories (as favorites) and display them all in 1 window (the default window whenever you reopen lfg.


And a monitor section that will ping you whenever an lfg appears in some dead content, like dungeons, and which will reset on relog. Or even better, but probably harder, to monitor for specific keywords (could be a fixed list that can be expanded over time, and category-specific )


Also, it would be really great (but not easy to implement) if there could be a kind of toggle or register, where you could register an interest in several categories, and when someone starts an lfg in that same category, he can ping interested parties to let them confirm interest.



My reasoning for this is, there's a wide variety of dead categories in lfg, yet you can only start an lfg in 1 category, need to check each category manually every so often, and you are basically hoping that you see someone else's lfg soon after it is available, or that 4 others all see your lfg within the next 10min. While u are registered in or part of an lfg, you cant be part of any other party/squad, so what are you expected to do, camp in-game cycling through the lfg window and hoping to chance upon something you wanna do?


There are people who might want to do a certain content, but why depend on serendipity to match people together?


E.g. Of low-traffic content, off the top of my head:


Story missions


T3 fracs

Trigger missions

Specific Bounties

Coffee skritt

Collection content

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