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[suggestion] Action Cam

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Just returned to the game and been having a great time, especially using action cam. So far it's been great and i feel that arena net have implemented it very well however there are a few things that I would like to suggest that might make it feel a little better, especially for ground targeting heavy classes.


1. **An option to center your cursor when toggling on action cam** (puts your cursor into the middle where the reticle is). As someone who tends to loose track of his cursor this would be amazing, I'm currently toggling action cam on/off to use some ground targeting abilities which bring me to my next point.


2. **When pressing a ground targeting ability, release action cam automatically.**I play with Fast with range indicator (press to see AOE, release to cast). If I press and hold a ground target ability to see the AOE, and then have to toggle off action cam to be able to freely drop the AOE anywhere without having to face the direction of your camera (due to action cam), this kind of defeats the purpose of "Fast with range indicator". This goes well with the first suggestion because your cursor will always be in the middle, and you'll always know where the AOE is when using a ground target ability, so you can move it freely from it's initial point.

Some of you might suggest using "Snap Ground target to Current Target", and to this I say nope. Personally do not like this option.


3. **That little camera hop when toggling on/off action cam**, this is almost equivalent to camera shake in games like Black Desert where I turn it off. It feels like it is dependent on your characters height? As someone who toggles on and off this is something that I could do without. Maybe have an option to not adjust to character height or something I'm not really sure how this works


4. **Allow us to rebind RMB**(right click to those who do not know what RMB is), only in action cam mode. Personally, I like having RMB as the target lock but for others who may not that prefer a different key, then this would be a nice option.


These are just some suggestions as a returning player using action cam. Other then that well done Arena Net. I feel like you guys/girls implemented it nicely and works well with the combat in the game. I feel it could be better with the suggestions above maybe implemented as "options", just in case there are people who like it the way it is.




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I understand that you enjoy using the action camera, but in my opinion it's only worth using for open world PvE, for jumping puzzles and festivals like Super Adventure Box. When it comes to high end content like fractals, raids, PvP, WvW and especially if your profession uses ground-targeted skills, then playing with the action camera is inferior than playing without the action camera.


I appreciate that you took the time to give a few improvements, but I don't think it will ever get changed due to the fact that most players don't use the action camera. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't use the action camera, if you like using it then more power to you.

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I respect your opinion however even if you feel like it's best used in those areas, it would still be something worth looking into. Not many players were asking for action cam either, but they did it anyways, so that point is moot. The feature is in the game and can be improved upon, whether or not you use it yourself, people do use it. You also have to keep in mind they said that they weren't going to make an expansion and yet here we are 2 expansions later, and they were worth the money I spent




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