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BUG REPORT: Night of Fires Issue [merged]

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  • ArenaNet Staff

What's consistently worked for me:

- Walk _with_ Rylock and Canach as they approach the camp, and stop when they stop to finish the opening dialog.

- When your objective updates to "Infiltrate the Forged war camp." you're clear to run ahead and take out the two gate guards.


There's an odd timing issue if you run ahead of your allies and cause some dialogs to interrupt each other. (Especially if the instance owner stays back while another player runs ahead.) It's going to take some time to unwrap and fix the timing issue, but this should at least get you through the chapter.

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> @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said:

> What's consistently worked for me:

> - Walk _with_ Rylock and Canach as they approach the camp, and stop when they stop to finish the opening dialog.

> - When your objective updates to "Infiltrate the Forged war camp." you're clear to run ahead and take out the two gate guards.


> There's an odd timing issue if you run ahead of your allies and cause some dialogs to interrupt each other. (Especially if the instance owner stays back while another player runs ahead.) It's going to take some time to unwrap and fix the timing issue, but this should at least get you through the chapter.


This is not working for me. I'm trying to do this instance with two friends, and no matter what we do, Canach does not ever open the gate. He says he is going to, then just stands there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had this bug when playing with some friends - super frustrating but found something that worked for me:

I walked slowly with the 2 quest givers, while my party stayed at the beginning, without following. For some reason, this fixed it.


If we ALL followed closely, the game bugged every single time with me as the host.


Hope this helps someone else! Wow I hope this is fixed soon - how annoying.

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thanks a lot for checking this and all the advice after as well.

couldn't get it to work even with full dialogue TIL i just stood at the spawn point til the guys finished walking/talking. then ran up killed guards. canach finally decided to open the gate. yay thank you.

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