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[New Prof] The Golem-Creating "Sculptor" Elementalist Profession

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||| Elementalist - Sculptor Profession - Minion / Mesmer Hybrid |||

(NOTE: All values, effects, and mechanics are not final and are prone to change)


**>>> Shatter Bar Skills <<<**


Start From Scratch (F1):

Shatter your Golems to deal damage to a foe.


- 1 Golem = 405

- 2 Golems = 510

- 3 Golems = 615

- 4 Golems = 720


Spilling Elements (F2)

Shatter your Golems to create fields of pulsing effects, based on the element of the Golem.


- Fire = 320 Damage, Burning (1 Stack, 3 seconds)

- Water = Healing, 1 Condition Removed

- Earth = Bleeding ( 1 stack, 5 Seconds), Slow (1 second)

- Lightning = Dazing (2/4 seconds), Blind (3 seconds)


Room For Improvement (F3):

Shatter your Golems and gain boons based on the element of the Golem.


- Damage = 205

- Fire = Retaliation (3 seconds)

- Water = Vigor (5 seconds)

- Earth = Resistance ( 3 seconds)

- Lightning = Swiftness ( 5 seconds)


Intentional Accident (F4):

Shatter your Golems, and inflict a control effect based on the element of the Golem.


- Fire = Knockdown

- Water = Float

- Earth = Blowout

- Lightning = Knockback


**>>> Hammer Skills <<<**


Fire Attunement:

Skill 1 Chain - Flame Smash, Empowered Bash, Create Flame Golem

- Strike your foes

- Bash your foes, and empower you and your Golems with Might (2 stacks, 5 Seconds)

- Hit your foes, and summon a Flame Golem


Skill 2 - Elemental Circle

- Smash a magical circle into the ground, damaging enemies and pulsing Fury (4 Seconds) to you and allies inside. Golems inside gain Might (2 Stacks, 4 Second).


Skill 3 - Chiseling Strike

- Accurately strike your foe, inflicting vulnerability (5 Stacks, 5 Seconds) and summoning a Flame Golem.


Skill 4 - Fiery Shroud

- Strike the ground with the power of fire, damaging enemies in the area and granting you and your Golems a Fire Aura.


Skill 5 - Mighty Creations

- Strike the earth with great force dealing heavy damage, gain Might (10 Stacks, 6 Seconds), and create a Flame Golem.


Water Attunement:

Skill 1 Chain - Frozen Strike, Healing Bash, Create Ice Golem

- Strike your foes and chill them (2 Seconds)

- Bash your foes, and heal for 203 in an area around you

- Hit your foes, and summon a Ice Golem


Skill 2 - Elemental Circle

- Smash a magical circle into the ground, damaging enemies and healing allies with every pulse. Golems inside gain Resistance (2 Seconds).


Skill 3 - Rippling Waters

- Strike an area and graint allies regenration, and summon a Ice Golem.


Skill 4 - Crashing Waves

- Smash the earth and release three waves of water that heals and removes a condition in the area and pushes back foes.


Skill 5 - Avalanche

- With a heavy strike to the area, release a continuous avalanche that damages foes standing in the area, and create an Ice Golem.


Earth Attunement:

Skill 1 Chain - Painful Strike, Crippling Bash, Create Earth Golem

- Strike you foes and inflict bleed (1 Stack, 6 Seconds)

- Bash your foes and inflict Bleed (1 Stack, 6 Seconds) and cripple (2 Seconds)

- Hit your foes, and summon a Earth Golem


Skill 2 - Elemental Circle

- Smash a magical circle into the ground, Inflicting Bleed (1 Stack, 5 Seconds) to enemies and granting Allies with Protection (3 Seconds) with every pulse. Golems inside gain Aegis (3 Seconds).


Skill 3 - Rumbling Artwork

- Smash a large boulder that inflicts bleeding (3 Stacks, 10 Seconds) to foes in the area, and summon a Earth Golem.


Skill 4 - Invocational Shielding

- Bash the earth in an area, Dealing damage and granting protection (4 Seconds) for each foe struck.


Skill 5 - Landslide

- With a heavy strike to the area, release a continuous landslide of rocks and boulders that damages foes standing in the area, and create an Earth Golem.


Lightning Attunement:

Skill Chain 1 - Swift Strike, Quickened Bash, Create Lightning Golem.

- Strike your foes and gain Swiftness (6 Seconds)

- Bash your foes and gain Quickness ( 2 Seconds)

- Hit your foes, and Summon a Lightning Golem


Skill 2 - Elemental Circle

- Smash a magical circle into the ground, damaging and dazing foes ( 2/4 Seconds) while granting Swiftness to allies standing in the circle with each pulse. Golems inside gain Quickness (2 Seconds).


Skill 3 - Electric Field

- Smash the area and release a field of lightning, pulsing damage to foes inside with a chance 25% chance to stun (2 Seconds) and summon a Lightning Golem.


Skill 4 - Shocking Winds

- Smash the earth and release a gust of electrified wind, that knockback foes and inflicts Weakness (6 Seconds)


Skill 5 - Winds of Creation

- With a heavy strike to the area, create a field of continuous wind that damages foes inside and grants allies inside Alacrity (3 Seconds) with every pulse. Also creates a Lightning Golem.


**>>> Utility Skills <<<**


Creative Magnificence (Heal Skill) - Heal yourself based on the number of golems current present.

- 0 Golems = 3400

- 1 Golem = 4200

- 2 Golems = 5000

- 3 Golems = 6800

- 4 Golems = 7600


Elemental Inspiration - Based on your attunement, give you and your minions an effect based on your current attunement.


- Fire = Fury (10 seconds)

- Water = Healing for 1800

- Earth = Resistance (5 Seconds)

- Lightning = Super Speed (10 Seconds)


Golem Assault - Break from control effects, and summon two Golems granted with Super Speed (5 Seconds).


Rushing Charge - Command your Golems to charge at your target, and inflict a condition based on the element of the Golem.


- Fire = Burning (1 stack, 4 seconds)

- Water = Vulnerability (1 stack, 5 seconds)

- Earth = Bleeding ( 1 stack, 6 seconds)

- Lightning = Immobilize ( 1 Second)


Imperfect Teleport - You and your Golems teleport to a target, then inflict Vulnerability (5 Stacks, 5 Seconds) on yourself.


Cannot Stop Genius (Elite Skill) - Break out of stuns. For the next 8 seconds all weapon skills and attunements have no cooldown. At the end of the effect, you gain Exhaustion (8 Seconds).



**>>> Passive Skill Tree Abilities <<<**


Artistic Mind - Gain access to the Shatter Bar and Golem Skills. Sacrifice Golems to use your Shatter Abilities. Gain access to the Hammer Weapon.


Pure Skill - Your Golem Skills have reduced 20% recharge.


Blank Canvas - When no golems are present, your next Golem Skill has 75% reduced cooldown.


Love In Each Stroke - Golems created gain 50% more Health.


Artful Mastermind - When you Shatter a Golem, all Utility Skills lose 1 second of Cooldown per Golem Shattered.


To Much Stone - Gain 180 Toughness for each active Golem


Influencing Greatness - When you use "Room For Improvement", it also affects nearby allies in a 600m radius.


Infuriating Imperfection - When you shatter a Golem, they inflict Torment (2 Stacks, 5 Seconds)


Strength In Numbers - For each active Golem you gain 2% more damage


A Second Chance - When you shatter a Golem, they become a Pebble and continue to attack your foes. These Golems do not count towards your Golem Limit, and cannot be shattered. Lasts for 10 Seconds.


Master of the Chisel - Golems you create now have 50% more strength.


And One For You - When you create a Golem, you also create a Golem for a nearby ally that follows them. An ally can only have one Golem at a time.

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