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Security question.

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This is a question concerning the security of my own self. Not my account.

To be simple, some rational individual threatened to use my IP address to have me swatted. (For those unfamiliar with "Swatting", it involves having a Swat team assault a place/individual for whatever reason by calling a bomb threat of whatever could incite a Swat response).

So my question is : can said individual figure out my IP address ONLY from in-game dialogue/chat/interactions?


Should a Moderator want more information concerning this, I do possess a screenshot illustrating the threat.

I will not post it here, for I do not want this person to get messages from others, for whatever purposes involving this situation.


I have sent a report concerning this situation.

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They'd have to be extremely dedicated to do it via the game only....and that would require some next level dedication that most people wont go through.

However, if you've used something else to communicate with them outside the game or made yourself a public figure somehow, then it becomes significantly easier.

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> @"killfil.3472" said:

> So my question is : can said individual figure out my IP address ONLY from in-game dialogue/chat/interactions?


Unless you type your IP adress in chat, or use Morse code to emote it to them, then no.

If you know this individual in real life, or if you tell them personal information (name, address, etc.), or if you tell them information that might lead them to your personal information (discord, twitter, e-mail, etc.) then they might be able to find your IP or other "useful" information. So, don't do that.

You should realise that making such a threat and actually carrying it out are two different things. I feel that people who make such threats ("I will ask someone else to bully you!") have little "courage" (for lack of a better word) and are unlikely to follow through. So don't worry about it too much. It is inevitable that you will meet some crazy fucked up people like this, no matter what you do or where you go.

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I mean isn't it essentially the same as such threats as "give me your address, i'll beat you up" and "meet me in real life". These nabs these days man. Someone once threatened to "hack" my account years ago, so I simply put two step verification on it and that was that. It's been years and I haven't been "hacked".

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Take this VERY seriously. A Kansas (USA) man was recently killed due to swatting. (And, he had nothing to do with the $1.50 squabble that started it.)


First of all, report it to your local police. Not so they can catch them (they don't have the tools, really), but so they know the threat was issued. That can help them with false swatting calls. If they want to see your domicile and interview you, it's probably just so they know you're not a real threat, should they receive a false call. So, I recommend granting that "intrusion". Just don't have anything illegal or threatening laying around.


Second, report it to ArenaNet (ANet). ANet's tech support can tell you whether it's possible to see your IP address. (I doubt it, but there are several hacker tools that might figure it out if ANet's implementation has any holes in it.) ANet also almost certainly has connections to federal law enforcement in your country (FBI and Secret Service in the US), and may have already dealt with this kind of threat.


Third, and maybe most importantly, **AFTER** you've contacted ANet, talk to your Internet provider and have them give you another IP address. It can still be dynamic, but just not the same as the one you had. You'll have to re-do your IP address in Guild Wars, but once ANet knows, they can look for hacking traffic trying to discern your new address.


Most of these threats are just noise, because there aren't that many people who can pull off the pieces needed to make it work. But, because you don't know whether this guy is one of them, or just blowing smoke, take it seriously. One man is dead because of a $1.50 squabble between two idiots in a (another) gaming community. We don't want you to join him.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Take this VERY seriously. A Kansas (USA) man was recently killed due to swatting. (And, he had nothing to do with the $1.50 squabble that started it.)


> First of all, report it to your local police. Not so they can catch them (they don't have the tools, really), but so they know the threat was issued. That can help them with false swatting calls. If they want to see your domicile and interview you, it's probably just so they know you're not a real threat, should they receive a false call. So, I recommend granting that "intrusion". Just don't have anything illegal or threatening laying around.


> Second, report it to ArenaNet (ANet). ANet's tech support can tell you whether it's possible to see your IP address. (I doubt it, but there are several hacker tools that might figure it out if ANet's implementation has any holes in it.) ANet also almost certainly has connections to federal law enforcement in your country (FBI and Secret Service in the US), and may have already dealt with this kind of threat.


> Third, and maybe most importantly, **AFTER** you've contacted ANet, talk to your Internet provider and have them give you another IP address. It can still be dynamic, but just not the same as the one you had. You'll have to re-do your IP address in Guild Wars, but once ANet knows, they can look for hacking traffic trying to discern your new address.


> Most of these threats are just noise, because there aren't that many people who can pull off the pieces needed to make it work. But, because you don't know whether this guy is one of them, or just blowing smoke, take it seriously. One man is dead because of a $1.50 squabble between two idiots in a (another) gaming community. We don't want you to join him.


Interesting, but unless the OP handed out his personal information to the other person I would says it’s not a concern. I doubt he gave his address in chat since if he did he wouldn’t be asking about the other person figuring out the IP “_ONLY from in-game dialogue/chat/interactions_.” Unless there’s a way for random people to get the IP off chat and find the street address he’s safe enough.


>[According to the Washington Post](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/1/13/16888710/barris-swatting-death-charges), two unnamed gamers were playing Call of Duty: WWII and got into a dispute — one dared the other to “swat” him **and for some reason provided Finch’s address.**


I would still recommend reporting the guy just for making threats and let ANet handle that aspect of it.

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I agree, Just a flesh wound: the odds are against it. I just can't help thinking of that man from Kansas, though. Yes, he died because an idiot got the address wrong. But, the idiot got an address ... THAT'S the worry.


But, you're right, it will probably amount to nothing. My post is probably on the extreme end of the paranoid scale. I hope ANet says "you're safe". But, it can't hurt to be careful.

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