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Reaper build for sPvP + PvE


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Hi necromantic fellas!


I've played core necro and reaper for a while, was maining necro when PoF dropped, done all story mode with mine as Scourge and then i found that Scourge isn't my thing.

Now i'm seeing a lot of Reapers in open world pve and even some of them in sPvP doing pretty well (even with the Necro targeting/ hate).


So, i'm looking for a build that i can use in open world PvE and sPvP (i like to use the same build to practice muscle memory).

What would you guys recommend? I would love a minion master build, but i'm open for another one that could be more effective too.


Help me cleave them all!

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These 2 builds are mostly the Same but you can't expect 1:1 builds to be the best in both gamemodes. But they share the core idea of doing good direct damage while have some good utility (please don't compare to top-tier meta builds).

PvE build:



Use warhorn in the Axe/x set for breakbar damage (#4) and for some swiftness and lifeforce generating in trashmob groups (#5)

Through the Well of Blood you can give party-heal and vampiric presence gives minor DPS buff and Life Siphon vor you and your group. Signet of Power for DPS buff (don't activate it at all). Well of Suffering and the Minions are DPS boosts aswell. I played Reaper in different ways 1st as shout reaper and Soul reaping. From time to time I switched utilities and traits and came up with nearly the exact same build ad the one I gave you but didnt know about this on the metabattle Website. I enjoy this very much because it destroys trash mobs VERY fast AND easily while having decent sustain. You could change a few berzerker parts to valkyries If you feel too squishy. Its fairly easy to play and is forgiving in highend Fractals (If you don't get kicked in the First place) but you have to know what you do If you wanna get decent DPS Numbers.


PvP build



Basically the Same. Healing skill is for condi cleanse and the Minions are replaced for 1 Well and (for me) chilled to the bone as group CC. The Signet is removed Foren another Well. 1 Well is for group support (condi cleanse) and one for boonstrip. There are also minor Changes in traitlines. The Heart of this build is the Rune of the Chronomancer which gives you Quickness for 2s everytime you Cast a Well (you got 3, 4 If you want to use Well of Blood instead) so you can Cast Long Casting skills auch as Chilled to the Bone (faster CC), Axe 2 dir really fast damage or GS #2/#3/#5 for fast damage or a fast pull (which is fairly hard to Land on moving targets). As you would notice without the Chronomancers Rune Things Like Chilled to the Bone or other (semi-)Long Casting skills are really hard to Land because of you got No stability you are a fairly easy kill thanks too other classes CCs. Normally you would Cast after a Well other skills but because Quickness stacks you can Cast other Wells aswell If you need e.g. stability or condi cleanse and get really fast Kills.

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http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAR3djk0QjN2SDu1A7NWyFs4qYXcMCFAaArgprwSYKA-jhRBAB4p7BgnUAlq/YmSwr2fU+9wFVYdwAwMJlyMzZmZmGZmZmZmpUARMGA-e this is the optimized pve build. swap golem and shadow fiend for well of corruption and plaguelands for burst. swap focus for warhorn if you are in group (focus projectile bounces terribly with allies) and also warhorn is slightly better for dps but you do less vulnerability but really the dps differences are negligible and I like focuses better.

remember to swap the third utility skill depending on situation, for example CPC, flesh wurm.

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  • 5 months later...



This is the build I am using on my main in Open world (I don't do much PvP). It's a super tanky power build with plenty of life force and health regen, but you can still hit like an express train!


The idea is to fight your enemy face to face using your Great sword, "rise!" and "Spec Armour" to mitigate damage, gain LF, gain Health and outnumber your enemy to snowball any fight while you soloing. With group fights or to gaon extra health Pop your "locus swam" and "blood is power" before entering shroud for burst damage health and life force regen. You also have a ranged option to kite and heal up using your "sigil of blood" with axe and warhorn when soloing bosses in an oh shit moment.


This is a true Hybrid build fusing minion master, power and vamp into one truly fun build to play! The passive health regen alone from my blood sigil passive; "soul eater" with my GS equipped and my flesh golem life syphon is almost boarderline OP :p



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I say minions make necro as necro. :) Right now I'm experimenting with core builds. But if I want to run power build, I take vampiric greatsword build from metabattle. Replace blood magic with death magic 111. Replace wells and elite skill with minions. Choose a non well rune, like exumberance. Hurt people and mobs hard, depending on game mode.

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