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Balance Speculation For Fun

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Hey guys so tomorrow is the big Little Mermaid Balance Extravaganza!


Obviously all classes will be tweaked a bit on land as well, especially Thief, so I figure we can have a good time speculating what changes are coming down the pipe line.


I'll start, after watching TeaTime I believe Epidemic will be merged while Scourge Damage Modifiers will be tweaked to compensate some. You all know how I feel about Power Reaper so naturally I assume we'll get our usual buff to Axe, one trait rework that may or may not make sense, perhaps some damage tweaks on GS abilities; here's the big one I think we will break 30k DPS (yes I know I'm being optimistic but a fool

Can dream!).


What are your thoughts!


Let's keep things civil, any one that goes negative will be noted including me, seriously I've been trying to clean up my image.


Let's just have some fun alright?

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For engi I'd ideally expect minor tweaking for Holo since it's functioning pretty well, think it's truly balanced tbh. On the other hand Scrapper is still the eternal underdog that has no meaningful niche and gyros are still pretty wonky, base engi was basically erased from existence. This is all ranked PvP/endgame PvE talk of course, doubt balance is much of a priority for open world.


I'd like some shaving on staff Weaver and then some buffing on sword Weaver, general rework for revenant (doubt it happens right now), power soulbeast buffs.

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> @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> For engi I'd ideally expect minor tweaking for Holo since it's functioning pretty well, think it's truly balanced tbh. On the other hand Scrapper is still the eternal underdog that has no meaningful niche and gyros are still pretty wonky, base engi was basically erased from existence. This is all ranked PvP/endgame PvE talk of course, doubt balance is much of a priority for open world.


> I'd like some shaving on staff Weaver and then some buffing on sword Weaver, general rework for revenant (doubt it happens right now), power soulbeast buffs.


I would love to see Scrapper become more viable in PVE, sort of like a tank/buffer maybe?

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Engie Shield/Shield will finally be a thing?

Core Power Necro will finally do some damage?

Warrior GS will finally be the BA weapon it's supposed to ... oh wait. That's fine, I guess.


Wait and see. When does the update normally hit the servers? 9 AM Seattle time?

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> Engie Shield/Shield will finally be a thing?

> Core Power Necro will finally do some damage?

> Warrior GS will finally be the BA weapon it's supposed to ... oh wait. That's fine, I guess.


> Wait and see. When does the update normally hit the servers? 9 AM Seattle time?


I like these ideas, maybe a BA Minion Master Core Spec, even though I'm a GS Reaper enthusiast.


I'd love to see a PVE build that uses Shield as well other than Chrono which is too hard for me to comprehend (tried using the Chrono build from Raids in Open World and it feels like I'm playing a Slot Machine for effectiveness and survivability).

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > Engie Shield/Shield will finally be a thing?

> > Core Power Necro will finally do some damage?

> > Warrior GS will finally be the BA weapon it's supposed to ... oh wait. That's fine, I guess.

> >

> > Wait and see. When does the update normally hit the servers? 9 AM Seattle time?


> I like these ideas, maybe a BA Minion Master Core Spec, even though I'm a GS Reaper enthusiast.


> I'd love to see a PVE build that uses Shield as well other than Chrono which is too hard for me to comprehend (tried using the Chrono build from Raids in Open World and it feels like I'm playing a Slot Machine for effectiveness and survivability).


Yeah, GS Power Reaper for life! May our swings be relentless... and slow. But at least hard-hitting.


I didn't even bother to try Chrono. As a Warrior main (and Reaper close second), the train to learn complex rotations has left long ago =)

On the other hand, running Shield on Warrior is quite nice, if somewhat unimaginative... we can hide behind the thing and bash somebody with it :#

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> @""Oldirtbeard.9834"


I'm just hoping they'll buff the engineers' kits. I've been playing core power engineer since 2013 and seeing the profession neglected for a such a long time, I say enough is enough. It's time to bring back core engineer back from retirement and make core engineer great again.

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> Guardian staff will be reworked to a true ranged weapon with better support.


I'd be thrilled if they made Staff 1 behave like Trident 1. A bouncing projectile that heals allies and damages foes. If the big issue was penetrating walls and immune to reflects, that would solve it.

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