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Roiling Mists Trait bugged

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Since the update went live the trait spirit boon is bugged in several ways.

1. It is supposed to work only in combat, but it does outside too.

2. You get the specific boon for the legend you swapped away from, instead of the one you are swapping to (like its supposed to).

3. If you are swimming, go under water and/or resurface, the boons will be applied every time. Perma quickness confirmed lol.


Fix pls


EDIT: See comments below

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Some more info on this for the devs:


I found this bug and reported it as well after some roaming yesterday and I initially thought it was Spirit Boon but I don't think it is. It seems to be tied to Roiling Mists (no idea why lol) under Invocation. So you need Roiling Mists on but anything else in Invocation doesn't seem to reproduce the bug. Depending on what legend you swap out of (as you mention), it gives you a specific boon. Seems to be:


Glint: Protection

Mallyx: Resistance

Ventari: Quickness

Shiro: Quickness

Jalis: Stability

Kalla: Swiftness


Works in PvE (sitting in town) and WvW, didn't bother seeing if it does the same thing in PvP.


GIF of bug: https://i.imgur.com/tqLeenO.gifv

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> @"Hyperion.6123" said:

> Some more info on this for the devs:


> I found this bug and reported it as well after some roaming yesterday and I initially thought it was Spirit Boon but I don't think it is. It seems to be tied to Roiling Mists (no idea why lol) under Invocation. So you need Roiling Mists on but anything else in Invocation doesn't seem to reproduce the bug. Depending on what legend you swap out of (as you mention), it gives you a specific boon. Seems to be:


> Glint: Protection

> Mallyx: Resistance

> Ventari: Quickness

> Shiro: Quickness

> Jalis: Stability

> Kalla: Swiftness


> Works in PvE (sitting in town) and WvW, didn't bother seeing if it does the same thing in PvP.


> GIF of bug: https://i.imgur.com/tqLeenO.gifv


Thanks for pointing this out, you are correct. I used both traits so I did not notice. I adjusted the title.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> This boon granting is definitely unintended behavior and we're looking into it - thanks!


Leave it as it is, it's a nice thing to have, revenant is out of meta anyways. Better look at this bug:



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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> This boon granting is definitely unintended behavior and we're looking into it - thanks!


Yes, leave it as it is and make it baseline..

Rev can need some love anyways.


Same as thief got venom share put into baseline..

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> @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > This boon granting is definitely unintended behavior and we're looking into it - thanks!


> Leave it as it is, it's a nice thing to have, revenant is out of meta anyways. Better look at this bug:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39524/rev-pvp-bug#latest

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39584/massive-new-bug-with-the-fix#latest


i agree.. this should totally be made baseline...


rev is currently gaining boons on legend swap and as you can see, rev is NOT overperforming AT ALL in pvp.


rev is still not considered as "meta" and you could just leave it like it is and make it baseline to give rev some love after all those nerfs in the past years.


removing equi, nerfing staff 5 into oblivion, nerfing precision strike like crazy as well, nerfing the vulnerabiliy uptime ( for what reason btw?), nerfing impossible odds etc. etc.


just for once... dont make rev worse than it currently is with this bugged trait...

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> @"skeletonman.5348" said:

> > @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:

> > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > > This boon granting is definitely unintended behavior and we're looking into it - thanks!

> >

> > Leave it as it is, it's a nice thing to have, revenant is out of meta anyways. Better look at this bug:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39524/rev-pvp-bug#latest

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39584/massive-new-bug-with-the-fix#latest


> i agree.. this should totally be made baseline...


> rev is currently gaining boons on legend swap and as you can see, rev is NOT overperforming AT ALL in pvp.


> rev is still not considered as "meta" and you could just leave it like it is and make it baseline to give rev some love after all those nerfs in the past years.


> removing equi, nerfing staff 5 into oblivion, nerfing precision strike like crazy as well, nerfing the vulnerabiliy uptime ( for what reason btw?), nerfing impossible odds etc. etc.


> just for once... dont make rev worse than it currently is with this bugged trait...


thx for speaking out what every rev is thinking

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Can you people PLEASE stop abusing this thread for balance talking? This was and still is about reporting a bug, not mimimi-ing about the balancing state of rev. If you want to mimimi so badly, do that in the specific forums. Thank you.

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