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Amount of bugs uprising with each patch


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I am genuinely concerned with the amount of bugs/glitchs arising with each new patch.


I was planning on doing 100CM today but couldn't do so because of a new glitch, which instantly killed a random person in my party whenever the person was coming to a new platform. We tried several time to do the event but eventually ended up forfeiting to the bug.


I would be fine if this was a one time things but it seems that at each new patch Raids and Fractals are getting buggier. This is extremely annoying and some bugs have been there for far too long in my experience. Also it seems like either Anet don't have much interest in fixing those bugs (Muursat has been bugged for more than a month now) or that the way the game is developed makes bugs inevitable.


I am now concerned as to whether it is even worth investing time in this game or are raids and fractals gonna reach the points where it's just completely unplayable ? Is Anet planning on fixing bugs once and for all ?


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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> We fixed a bunch of bugs with this patch, and I believe the fall damage bug should have been fixed in the most recent hotfix. What other bugs are you seeing? Expansion releases have a huge number of changes so things are bound to break, but we do our best to fix them.


The Mursaat Overseer bug is really big. The boss basically comes to the tank and at random times moves away, strolls around and at some point comes back again. The jade statues do the same, sometimes 1 statue lights up the whole arena because it moves around randomly before aggroing the group. Since normal boss is easy this doesnt impact the success rate of groups. For cm though it is a big problem as it causes major problems with managing claim mechanics and dps goes down the drain when boss moves away.


Second and biggest. VG gets stuck when there's a seeker in front of him. Unless seeker changes position or is pulled/knockbacked VG will just stay there. This is truly gamebreaking as it causes major wipes cause sometimes there is nothing the group can do to get around that.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @tim.4596 said:

> So far the bug I could see on Overseer.

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsp_TomBIzU&feature=youtu.be




So the first thing called out in that video occurs on all encounters. We strip all boons when the encounter starts to start everyone off from scratch and raids have always been like that.


The second issue... Looks like 4 people died to the spikes that weren't standing in them? How often does that repro in MO?

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> @"Crystal Reid.2481" said:

> The second issue... Looks like 4 people died to the spikes that weren't standing in them? How often does that repro in MO?


That claim one can be repro'd pretty easily. It happens when you use claim near/on your character model. Not sure why that's a thing, but it's been there since the release of that encounter.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @"Crystal Reid.2481" said:

> > The second issue... Looks like 4 people died to the spikes that weren't standing in them? How often does that repro in MO?


> That claim one can be repro'd pretty easily. It happens when you use claim near/on your character model. Not sure why that's a thing, but it's been there since the release of that encounter.



I can send this over to our QA to look at. Any additional details or repro steps for him will help!

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> @"Crystal Reid.2481" said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > @"Crystal Reid.2481" said:

> > > The second issue... Looks like 4 people died to the spikes that weren't standing in them? How often does that repro in MO?

> >

> > That claim one can be repro'd pretty easily. It happens when you use claim near/on your character model. Not sure why that's a thing, but it's been there since the release of that encounter.

> >


> I can send this over to our QA to look at. Any additional details or repro steps for him will help!


Best of my knowledge is use fast cast with ground targeting (might happen with other control schemes as well) and use the special action key within a few pixels of your character model.


I actually went back and watched/slowed down that video, the user has a different issue which might be a lockout period on tile claiming. The tile goes from neutral to hostile and within a few milliseconds they try to claim it again potentially triggering a server side detection issue.

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> @"Crystal Reid.2481" said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > @"Crystal Reid.2481" said:

> > > The second issue... Looks like 4 people died to the spikes that weren't standing in them? How often does that repro in MO?

> >

> > That claim one can be repro'd pretty easily. It happens when you use claim near/on your character model. Not sure why that's a thing, but it's been there since the release of that encounter.

> >


> I can send this over to our QA to look at. Any additional details or repro steps for him will help!


# **1st bug:**

-[boon stripping] My issue was that the encounter had already started but boons still got stripped. There seem to be a 2-3s time frame after the boss started that will remove any boon on the party. This is particularly annoying for cPs as you generally have to wait 2 to 3s before using "For Great Justice". Is this meant to be ?


-[boss randomly moving north] When the fight start I'm not too sure why, but the boss decides to check something NORTH of the map first, and then follow the player who's got claim.




# **2nd bug:**

-[soldier exploding while on neutral tile] I just re-watched some old video just to be sure and apparently this has always been there. I gotta get good at distort it seems

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> @tim.4596 said:

> # **1st bug:**

> -[boon stripping] My issue was that the encounter had already started but boons still got stripped. There seem to be a 2-3s time frame after the boss started that will remove any boon on the party. This is particularly annoying for cPs as you generally have to wait 2 to 3s before using "For Great Justice". Is this meant to be ?



That's not a bug, It happens pretty much on every boss, you have to simply wait before casting.


The other bugs are indeed there and happen 99% of the time, He always moves west on the central "line" (between 2 tiles) before following the tank, the soldiers explode irregardless of the tile's status. Another one that wasn't mentioned here is: Soldiers getting stuck between the 2 western-middle tiles, and just walk back and fourth there.

The movement bugs feel like another invisible boarder was added to the middle preventing the boss/soldiers to cross there.


But also all the current mobile bosses, that have a circular platform, have pathing issues when crossing the middle. This bug started happening a couple patches ago (can't remember, either the 8.8 one or the 1-2 before).


> @"Crystal Reid.2481" said:

> I can send this over to our QA to look at. Any additional details or repro steps for him will help!


Would be nice if they could look into those too :)

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@"Crystal Reid.2481" is there any update on the bug where bosses and some key adds (jade soldiers / KC phantasms) aggro on phantasms, pets, and minions? Ianim said he was looking at it a month or so ago on reddit, but it's really aggravating. I've been wanting to do some serious attempts at Mursaat CM with my guild lately, but this bug causes him to run off in random directions for tens of seconds and really hinders our ability to meet key DPS requirements. Thanks!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey party people,


For those not aware, I took over as Team Lead for Raids and Fractals a couple of months ago after Crystal went off to be the department lead. Now that introductions are out of the way:


I wanted to step in to answer these issues. Forgive me if I miss one, but poke me here or on Reddit (/u/anet_ianim) and I'll check it out. I will preface this post further by saying that it is very likely some, if not all, of the discussed bugs will not be fixed until the next major content release. The reason being most of these issues are being fixed on the Raids branch, and are not qualifying candidates for hot fixes.


**[boon stripping]**

In this situation we have a shared subroutine that would normally query all players in the instance, run some compares, remove buffs (boons) individually, set combat stance, etc. While that should all theoretically be instant, that just isn't the case. Queries are often time consuming, and when you compound that with other filters that run after those queries, it all adds up (I'm looking at you, Xera island teleport mechanic). Since we have had to update that script to accommodate Path of Fire mounts/elite specs, why not update it completely? That subroutine now runs instantly as soon as the event starts, and it feels much better.


**[boss randomly moving north]**

MO and VG have some wonky pathing issues. It is a mix of navmesh breaks, AI decision makes, and which pathing code the AI decides to use in which situation. I'm working with our Environment Artist to smooth out the navmesh issues, and Ben has been super helpful with trying to troubleshoot what the AI is doing. I'll be honest: it isn't even fully fixed internally yet. We keep getting it improved, but it isn't appropriately fixed. I'm shooting to have it sussed out before the next content release.


**[Jade Soldier/KC Phantasms attacking pets]**

This appears to be an AI issue, and one that I haven't personally experienced. Maybe it's luck, or I'm tunnel visioning when I play on Live, but I'm going to look into this with Ben while we continue trying to smooth out the above pathing issues. I have seen videos of it, though, so I know it's happening. You're not crazy.


We have an ever growing list of QoL updates that we are working through, and those changes will be trickling out to live over the next coming months. I say that because I want to make it clear that the raid team is listening, and we are acting. It's not ideal that we can't always get a fix/QoL update out ASAP, but I assure you it isn't for lack of trying.


If you have a bug that you feel like we haven't heard, shoot me a DM here or on Reddit. I'll have Peter, our new QA embed, get a bug written up so that we can properly track and address it.

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Thanks so much for the response, Jason! I'm anxiously waiting the random movement bug fixes, as those are the most problematic right now especially with the challenge motes, but I totally understand that these things can be crazy difficult to diagnose and take time. P.S. You may want to tag up with @"Gaile Gray.6029" so she can make sure your ANet flair properly shows!

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> @"Jason Reynolds.4297" said:

> Hey party people,


> For those not aware, I took over as Team Lead for Raids and Fractals a couple of months ago after Crystal went off to be the department lead. Now that introductions are out of the way:




So, regular dungeons are still out-of-mind for Anet? I think that's a mistake. Fractals lack immersion due to being both small and disconnected from world environments, raids are needlessly prohibitive due to the player requirement, and neither is released with enough frequency. FotM is a good concept for a single large dungeon, but it's inadequate to replace all other classic dungeon content on its own. I'd rather see more classic dungeon content over raids, frankly.


I know it isn't the topic of this thread, but since you introduced yourself here I just wanted to throw it out there.

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