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rip druids hello soulbeast


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Fellas I know everyone is upset about druid nerfs (pre patch they were fine for this season) righly so, but the buffs to soulbeast make it a abosulte monster in PvP. As long as you avoid 1v1s with Mesmer your A okay. (Currently climbing plat with it)


Just now your more suited for a damage roll than a duelist one (although with GS I can 1v1 alot of people especially if I get the first burst to snowball the fight)


On a side note has anyone worked out a clean rotation for pve I'm curious to see what the do is now.


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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Problem with Soulbeast is, it's extremely predictable. Always been the same problem in top tiers.


That's why you don't play like a day 1 SoulBeast(not implying you play like one). I have so many options to make people waste their evades/dodges, stun breaks and then I got them. I even go as far as to condition them to think I'm just like very other SoulB out there that does the day one Knockdown>Worldly Impact setup. But them I'll do something like leap though Smoke Screen and/or blast it, do a whiffed Maul to gain 25%, and Maul them while in Stealth or just coming out of it, and if I'm keeping track of their break stuns etc I can do Hilt Bash>Maul>Worldly Impact. Also even though Worldly Impact can be easily interrupted if you don't have Stab, it has one of the lowest Cancelled Skill Cool Downs you could ask for. I've tested it over and over, and the highest I Cool Down I could produce was 3.8 seconds. So what did that tell me (I figured this and started doing it day two of PoF) a lot of the times, I'll do a Fake Worldly Impact on purpose, or cancel it if I know it's going to miss. All you have to do is use your movement keys (For those who don't know). And I might use Swoop to gain ground and try to setup the Worldly Impact again, because by that time it's available again. If you have Game-Sense you can pick up on player repetition. I've ended up noticing during duels that a specific player would evade/dodge behind me if I would do the Worldly Impact, so I used the Lightning Reflexes to evade right on top of them and Hilt Bash>Maul>Worldly Impact. That's what wins fights. If I'm fighting a SoulB I'll keep Lightning Reflexes on reserve all freaking fight until I make a mistake, get caught or out-played to make sure I can evade away from the Impact.


All that being said, my build is very CC heavy and Full Melee. Both my pets have knockdowns. I gain 2 knockdowns from them while in Beastmode. I have Hilt Bash. I run Hydro on both weapon Sets for Chill. Slow+Immob from the Lesser Muddy Terrain. I have a 2 out of 3 chance to gain blind utility from my Pets Ability. And if I'm feeling like it sometimes I run Entangle.


So with all that, plus any bursts or attacks I throw at them, there are so many options to make them waste or use a lot of their defense and gain and opening to land big damage.

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I'm starting to wonder if this nonsense was to force more people toward Soulbeast. Honestly, it was telling to hear zero complaints about them in PvP, but continuous complaints about druids even after the last expansion.


Pretty obvious which is the favored elite for players.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> I'm starting to wonder if this nonsense was to force more people toward Soulbeast. Honestly, it was telling to hear zero complaints about them in PvP, but continuous complaints about druids even after the last expansion.


> Pretty obvious which is the favored elite for players.


You, and many others, seem to think the changes were solely for the PvP players.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> @"Ephemeros.2751" No, I **know** they came from the tears of PvP players. When you find the NPC or mob that complained about healing in PvE, you get back to me.


Pretty sure that the druid changes were a great deal about PvE from the tears of all the other healing specs out there who wanted a piece of the cake. Don't be single-minded - if anet can satisfy two groups of ppl with one nerf, why pass up on it? ^^

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@"jokobet.6081" That has to be — hands down — the most ridiculous counterpoint I've ever read on these forums. And that's saying a lot. So . . . let me get this right . . . druid healing was nerfed, not because of the nonstop complaints in PvP, but from PvE players, so their 'healing' spec class could share a 'piece of the cake' to use your words?


. . .


I don't even have the words to respond to that.

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Druid wasn't even top dog in PvE healing. At least in terms of pure numbers. It brought a number of useful boons and unique buffs (back in the day) which it still excels in. So yeah, I would assume the druid was nerfed due to its sPvP sustain and ability to hold a node.

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Other healers, as **healers**, have been viable for a while now but Druid brought a bunch of buffs so it always got chosen over the others. Nerfs to healing **AND **to support where too severe. For now I think most groups are still bringing Druids but I'm pretty sure Rev and Firebrand healers are going to start being in the meta.

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> @"Prophet.1584" said:

> Other healers, as **healers**, have been viable for a while now but Druid brought a bunch of buffs so it always got chosen over the others. Nerfs to healing **AND **to support where too severe. For now I think most groups are still bringing Druids but I'm pretty sure Rev and Firebrand healers are going to start being in the meta.


I don’t think they were too severe, especially if the healing nerf is to base numbers as some have been saying.


The main thing with the nerf is it forces Druid to decide whether it’s main focus is to heal, or to buff, which is fine. The only problem with it is that the trait that makes Druids a good healer again doesn’t work for the Druid themselves, so it kills our ability to bunker in PvP

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> I'm starting to think people here have absolutely no idea how balance works and just complain single-mindedly.


I'd like to direct you to the nonstop complaints on the PvP. forums. After you read them, see if there is a correlation from the complaints to the 'balance' in update patches. Once you've done that, please come back to tell us how people here have no idea how that mythical MMO unicorn called 'balance' works.


We'll wait.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > @"Prophet.1584" said:

> > Other healers, as **healers**, have been viable for a while now but Druid brought a bunch of buffs so it always got chosen over the others. Nerfs to healing **AND **to support where too severe. For now I think most groups are still bringing Druids but I'm pretty sure Rev and Firebrand healers are going to start being in the meta.


> I don’t think they were too severe, especially if the healing nerf is to base numbers as some have been saying.


> The main thing with the nerf is it forces Druid to decide whether it’s main focus is to heal, or to buff, which is fine. The only problem with it is that the trait that makes Druids a good healer again doesn’t work for the Druid themselves, so it kills our ability to bunker in PvP


The problem that I have is that there have been multiple nerfs to core ranger traits due to how they interacted with Druid. And now they nerf Druid. If they wanted to tone down the healing then reducing the base healing numbers isn't a problem for me, I overhealed most of the time in raids anyway. The multiple nerfs over time are resulting in something that is subpar in comparison to other professions and yet Druid was the only Elite profession that was designed to be a healer.

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> @"Prophet.1584" said:

> > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > > @"Prophet.1584" said:

> > > Other healers, as **healers**, have been viable for a while now but Druid brought a bunch of buffs so it always got chosen over the others. Nerfs to healing **AND **to support where too severe. For now I think most groups are still bringing Druids but I'm pretty sure Rev and Firebrand healers are going to start being in the meta.

> >

> > I don’t think they were too severe, especially if the healing nerf is to base numbers as some have been saying.

> >

> > The main thing with the nerf is it forces Druid to decide whether it’s main focus is to heal, or to buff, which is fine. The only problem with it is that the trait that makes Druids a good healer again doesn’t work for the Druid themselves, so it kills our ability to bunker in PvP


> The problem that I have is that there have been multiple nerfs to core ranger traits due to how they interacted with Druid. And now they nerf Druid. If they wanted to tone down the healing then reducing the base healing numbers isn't a problem for me, I overhealed most of the time in raids anyway. The multiple nerfs over time are resulting in something that is subpar in comparison to other professions and yet Druid was the only Elite profession that was designed to be a healer.


I feel like druid will be fine as a healer even now, however I do expect some of these nerfs to be reverted, like the Resounding Timbre nerf in PvP

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> I'm starting to think people here have absolutely no idea how balance works and just complain single-mindedly.


/ahem, anet has no clue how balance works


Amazing how they started splitting nerfs between the game modes and then they just threw that shit right out the window this patch

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > @"Prophet.1584" said:

> > Other healers, as **healers**, have been viable for a while now but Druid brought a bunch of buffs so it always got chosen over the others. Nerfs to healing **AND **to support where too severe. For now I think most groups are still bringing Druids but I'm pretty sure Rev and Firebrand healers are going to start being in the meta.


> I don’t think they were too severe, especially if the healing nerf is to base numbers as some have been saying.


> The main thing with the nerf is it forces Druid to decide whether it’s main focus is to heal, or to buff, which is fine. The only problem with it is that the trait that makes Druids a good healer again doesn’t work for the Druid themselves, so it kills our ability to bunker in PvP


maybe what you don't understand, is that the 'ability to bunker in pvp' was already heavily nerfed in the last patch.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > > @"Prophet.1584" said:

> > > Other healers, as **healers**, have been viable for a while now but Druid brought a bunch of buffs so it always got chosen over the others. Nerfs to healing **AND **to support where too severe. For now I think most groups are still bringing Druids but I'm pretty sure Rev and Firebrand healers are going to start being in the meta.

> >

> > I don’t think they were too severe, especially if the healing nerf is to base numbers as some have been saying.

> >

> > The main thing with the nerf is it forces Druid to decide whether it’s main focus is to heal, or to buff, which is fine. The only problem with it is that the trait that makes Druids a good healer again doesn’t work for the Druid themselves, so it kills our ability to bunker in PvP


> maybe what you don't understand, is that the 'ability to bunker in pvp' was already heavily nerfed in the last patch.


It was still doable last patch, now I would imagine that ability is just dead

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:


> It was still doable last patch, now I would imagine that ability is just dead


I wouldn't call it full on "dead" just yet, but it's definitely become more difficult. Just ran my bunker through a match this morning, and I could no longer safely stand on mid to contest the cap for nearly as long as I used to. Against a halfway decent reaper/spellbreaker combo, it was absolutely necessary for me to reset every chance I had, and I ended up baiting both off mid, then running back under stealth to decap and get 80% of the way to a full cap before they came back... had to repeat the process.


Thankfully that reaper and spellbreaker were the only two players worth anything on the opposing team, so we won. But yeah - bunker druid is far less efficient at stalling than it used to be, I feel. Still doable, but much more risk involved.



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I don't play full-bunker, (Almost full Magi's) but do heal more exclusively than anything else and I won every match I played my Druid in yesterday. (It was only 3 but still)


I really don't feel much of a difference. I'm only in gold, but think Druid still has a place.



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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> On top of all that, does anyone remember the "No rangers!" trend in LFG? I do. For many years. Finally, rangers albeit via druids are wanted, and now the argument is it isn't because of PvP, but because: "Well! They took my spot! Nerf them."


> Utterly insane.


Druid had a top place support with GotL perma might and high heals.

My thoughts are that they nerfed druid in PvE because of that and thats why we got a new lingering light iteration so druid still can be a top healer but lacks power support.

It was probably just for the sake of diversity and buildcraft.

In PvP it was mainly due to the power to bunker a node and 1v2 stuff.

At the end they brought everything under one hat, if this was a good idea is debatable.


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> @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> I don't play full-bunker, (Almost full Magi's) but do heal more exclusively than anything else and I won every match I played my Druid in yesterday. (It was only 3 but still)


> I really don't feel much of a difference. I'm only in gold, but think Druid still has a place.


> Z


Magis lol That's full bunker and yes it does, alot of guys ran menders I used to run avatar when I did play druid, (running no heals was also possible) the dps mix was essential for winning duels, now especially with healing nerf you have to spec into full healing. This is going to hurt druids role in a side note holder witch was it's place. I as a core ranger/soulbeast could already take out most druids pretty easily. Post pre season nerf (Just chain cc burst sic em when they go celestial avatar)



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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Problem with Soulbeast is, it's extremely predictable. Always been the same problem in top tiers.


What no, as long as your hoping in and out of soulbeast form it's got great mix ups. The problem with day 1 soulbeast was it did way less damage, now especially with the buff of packalpha working in beastmode and gs being buffed and sic em and quick zepher CD reductions it's nuts I love it. Now it can fill a solid damage role it was ment to fill.


The hardest match ups are condi mirage and rev as they can easily swing the fight and chain cc. If a rev plus ones you with sword 3 forget about it.


For warrior it's pretty either easy or hard depending on the terrain, capricorn and champions mid are extremely easy match ups as you have lots of space and should be able to rid most warriors like a book., Hell eles, gaurds, necros, theives and other rangers you should be able to just bully, between the unlockable and chain cc and a sig of annulment forget about it.



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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> > I don't play full-bunker, (Almost full Magi's) but do heal more exclusively than anything else and I won every match I played my Druid in yesterday. (It was only 3 but still)

> >

> > I really don't feel much of a difference. I'm only in gold, but think Druid still has a place.

> >

> > Z


> Magis lol That's full bunker and yes it does, alot of guys ran menders I used to run avatar when I did play druid, (running no heals was also possible) the dps mix was essential for winning duels, now especially with healing nerf you have to spec into full healing. This is going to hurt druids role in a side note holder witch was it's place. I as a core ranger/soulbeast could already take out most druids pretty easily. Post pre season nerf (Just chain cc burst sic em when they go celestial avatar)




You know pvp dont have magi?

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