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Balance patch suggestions

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"Patrick.2987" said:

> > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > > @"Patrick.2987" said:

> > > > This is way too much. I can get on board with Bountiful Disillusionment ICD and generally cutting down Phantasm damage but this other stuff isn't needed. I don't want to see mesmer nerfed to oblivion. I really hope nobody at ANet is even considering nerfing Portal, it's basically a class mechanic. It's what keeps mesmer afloat in any meta, and that's quite alright IMO. I play mesmer very rarely btw. I never really liked it.

> > > >

> > > > Exactly this is the point even this one utility makes it meta regardless and should be looked into. Always suggesting buffs to underused professions like rev and professions like firebrand are fine just has the same affect as leaving rev on it's current state and nerfing firebrand. Not considering renegade here obviously. Why do we need more powercreep when the same effect can be achieved with some simple nerfs?

> > >

> > > My question is why is it bad that portal keeps mesmer viable?

> > > And sometimes powercreep is better than nerfs. Nerfing Firebrand doesn't make the other support options better like they would need to be. IMO nerfing Firebrand any further will leave the meta without support options. Tempest, Ventari rev, Medic Scrapper or Druid aren't good enough.

> >

> > They were viable before pof so the new specs just need to be brought back to that level what i am trying to suggest here. And a single skill making a class meta is too strong in my opinion. Of course you would not suggest nerfing mesmer into oblivion and keep portal as it is so it does portal only.


> I don't think portal is that bad. It gives mesmer a place. It's a unique skill that is very influential in the right hands. But it is a SKILL. You can usually recognize a good mesmer from a bad one by how they utilize portal. **It's a safety net that keeps mesmer viable and that's a good thing IMO**. We can probably agree that mesmer needs to be nerfed but portal is not the skill to nerf.


I agree. It would be nice if every profession had a different, but unique safety net that would allow them baseline viability regardless of whatever the current balance state happens to be. Something worthwhile that is always useful to the team and not locked behind an arbitrary stat investment (healing power, concentration, etc.). Mesmer has portal, Thief has shortbow mobility, Necromancer has corruption, etc.

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Cross posting this from a different thread.


My top tier priority list of balance if I was a dev:



* We need a more permanent change to Chronobunker, specifically Chronophantasma and Signet of the Ether. The 50% nerfs were a desperate bandaid, but not a permanent long term nerf when the heal and the trait just should not have this functionality at all in PvP. If Phantasms are going to be as impactful as any other classes 4-5 skill, it shouldn't allow for the level of cooldown manipulation it currently has except for Continuum Split which actually takes a bit of finesse, lengthy cooldown and requires set up to get the most out of it.

* Reduce Disenchanter's damage by 25% and cap Defender's damage at probably half of it's current cap. Maybe more for both of these.

* Trimming GS and Condi Mirage burst. **Trim. Not nuke**. I'd nerf Mirror Blade and Mindstab by by 10%. For Condimirage I'd trim a few burning stacks off of the torch skills, which are low key the deadliest thing Mirage has in it's arsenal. On a Carrion Amulet it's seriously 10 stacks of burning for 16,000 damage over four seconds. The torch skills have solid anticipation frames to both of them, but they're still over performing by a couple thousand.

* Portal's duration should remain at 60 seconds and with 5000 range but the cool down should be bumped up to 90-100 seconds. I love portal and portal plays, it's why I main mesmer, but let's face it no other utility skill in the game carries entire games as heavily as portal does. It also feels really weird to me that a mesmer can drop a portal exit, fail to use it over the next minute and 12 seconds later be able to drop another exit portal for no cost. Portal would still continue to be the strongest utility in the game with these cooldown tweaks.



* Give all shade abilities a clear 1 second anticipation frame before the attack goes out. The huge red circles are a band aid and an ugly one like that. All shade abilities should have a unique tell similar to the necromancer's downstate fear giving players plenty of notice of what they're about to be hit with and when. Like if you have to have an art asset of the skill appear above the necro and shade just like the downstate necro fear do it.

* Give the shade abilities an internal cooldown except Desert Shroud. Desert Shroud should be changed so that while the barrier is applied immediately, there's a bit of delay before the damage pulses tick out.

* Transfusion and well of blood deserve a look over but I'm not 100% convinced they're problematic.

* Might should not corrupt into Weakness. Almost every build in the game gets at least one stack of might accidentally and unintentionally. On it's own not that strong. Weakness is the most debilitating nondamaging condition in the game. Vigor and Might should have their corrupt tables flipped. I get that thematically it makes perfect sense but the value obtained from corrupting such a minor boon is waaaaaaay over the top. The only way it would be appropriately powered is if it was only half a second of weakness per individual stack of might.

* Throw power reaper just a few more bones. It's almost where it needs to be. I've been seeing a few of them in platinum and I love the gameplay style they bring to the game. Maybe focus on buffing greatsword a bit more to ensure it's the best weapon set they can run and continue to do so.



* After that I'd like to see fresh air weaver get buffed. I Liked the dynamic it brought to the game. It's the role I feel like elementalists should be primarily known for; immense spikey off node damage. I think it was unfairly gutted last patch and I'd like to see it as an equally viable alternative to Mirage and thief. Excellent roamer, but with less mobility and far more capacity to just immediately end a fight through immense damage

* I feel like Staff elementalist should be a viable power+crit based alternative to scourge as heavy AoE teamfight damage but I don't think that'll ever be possible with the current systems in place.



I'd like to see Ventari Rev, Tempest and Scrapper receive some serious retooling. I like it when support is an important part of conquest games, but right now Firebrand is the only viable support. It's not that Firebrand is overpowered, it's the only one that's particularly viable. Just like you can have Holo or Heralds, Spellbreakers or Druids or Chronos, Mesmers or Thieves as viable alternatives for conquest rolls, we should see a variety of viable support builds in the game. Even if you nerfed Firebrand that would push the game towards support not being viable period. Ventari Rev, Tempest, and Scrapper should receive serious buffs to bring them onto Firebrand's level.


There's meme stuff like the power Soulbeasts and Condi Daredevils I don't like that I hate fighting. This is more personal about why I find fun fighting, I'd rather fight a million Druids and PP or Rifle Deadeyes than these builds.


This should be the balance team's to do list in my humble opinion.

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I got a suggestion too ,is simple and maybe can help some classes play vs a blind spam condi.


Remodelate resistance ,make resistance stak or pulse like stability.


Elite skills add staks resist ,similar stability in listed skills

Warrior -rampage

Ranger -Strength of the Pack

Reaper -Chilled to the Bone

Engineer -Elixir x

Necro -Lich Form

Elementalist -Tornado

Thief - Dagger Storm



i hope u guys got the idea and fell free to change anything


sorry for the bad english

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> @"Thiago.5946" said:

> Ola

> I got a suggestion too ,is simple and maybe can help some classes play vs a blind spam condi.


> Remodelate resistance ,make resistance stak or pulse like stability.


> Elite skills add staks resist ,similar stability in listed skills

> Warrior -rampage

> Ranger -Strength of the Pack

> Reaper -Chilled to the Bone

> Engineer -Elixir x

> Necro -Lich Form

> Elementalist -Tornado

> Thief - Dagger Storm



> i hope u guys got the idea and fell free to change anything


> sorry for the bad english


Warrior does not need any more resistance. Good god no.


Besides, Spellbreakers popping rampage when they don't have resistance gives me too many free kills.

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