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Builds, skills use and rotation for underwater combat


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Fresh Air Tempest:

Overload Air -> Fire 2 -> Air 1 until Overload is ready -> repeat.

Use Air 4 for CC.

Replace Fire 2 with Earth 4 for more CC.


I'm playing around with my normal Weaver build recently, but I have no idea how it compares. It's fun to play though. Basically what I do is [Non-Fire] -> Fire -> Fire -> [Non-Fire] -> Fire -> Fire -> ...


Water and Air both seem to have good damage. Air or Earth again for their 4 if you see you'll need CC soon.

You can run Weaver Fresh Air too, dual-attuning Air instead of Fire in the rotation. You'll have great Elements of Rage uptime and you'll always have easy access to the Air 4 CC.


I'll need to run some Aquatic Ruins to see which one is optimal.


P.S. I run instant-cast utilities - "Feel the Burn!" for tempest, and/or arcane skills. For Tempest, time them with your Fresh Air ferocity buff. For Weaver, time them with your dual attune.

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