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complaining about the wrong things.

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I know that the experience/skill difference between players in this game, especially right now is very high. however, if your a new player, or really arent knowledgeable about the certain subject, do not post in forums complaining about stuff that doesnt need to be nerfed or just isnt that strong to begin with. Stop crying out for rev nerfs simply because you dont know the match up so the rev one shots you. stop complaining about deadeye saying its OP, especially when it just got nerfed this patch, because you cant LOS or just even hit it with something. hit it with something, it will die. those are just 2 examples of crying out in the forms about things that are NOT the issue. ANET sees this and they end up missing the things that actually need to be fixed I.E spellbreaker, mesmer, scourge. if your going to complain, complain about the real problems.

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So, the eternal struggle to make a game more accommodating to either the newer players or the older ones? A tug-o-war for sure and not just in this MMO, of course.


The problem is figuring out where to compromise, I've suggested in the past, casual players usually don't give a Red Skritt's arse about Raids and Fractals which for all intents and purposes is a completely different game mode o.O.


Casuals like the RP elements of the game, they like continuity of the game world, they tend to like challenges that aren't stressful or annoying.


Obviously individuals differ, this is a broad statement concerning your PLEBS.


And casuals do like soloing quite a bit and don't like frustrating mechanics in their personal/LW story content that often just blocks huge swaths of game content - I'm thinking the elitists could give a little up there.

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> @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > About as embarrassing as this rage post...


> uhh definitely not a rage post. i sincerely hope your not one of "those plebs" aforementioned if you know what i mean. :)


I don't need to be a "pleb", as you say, to know that calling people plebs and saying they don't know shit and they should keep their opinions off the forums is simply a poor way of communicating and is often the incoherent rants of a rage induced poster. ?

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> @"Elva.6372" said:

> So, the eternal struggle to make a game more accommodating to either the newer players or the older ones? A tug-o-war for sure and not just in this MMO, of course.


> The problem is figuring out where to compromise, I've suggested in the past, casual players usually don't give a Red Skritt's kitten about Raids and Fractals which for all intents and purposes is a completely different game mode o.O.


> Casuals like the RP elements of the game, the like continuity in the game world, they tend to like challenges that aren't stressful or annoying.


> Obviously individuals differ, this is a broad statement concerning your PLEBS.


> And casuals do like soloing quite a bit and don't like frustrating mechanics in their personal/LW story content that often just blocks huge swaths of game content - I'm thinking the elitists could give a little up there.


i agree with this. there is a bit of an issue whether a game (gw2) caters to existing players, or new ones trying to get on board. my main point is, when i was a new player, obviously i didnt know much about what i was doing, or what the ins and outs of everything was. which made my opinion NULL. if i have no knowledge of a subject, how could i give an accurate opinion?

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> @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > > About as embarrassing as this rage post...

> >

> > uhh definitely not a rage post. i sincerely hope your not one of "those plebs" aforementioned if you know what i mean. :)


> I don't need to be a "pleb", as you say, to know that calling people plebs and saying they don't know kitten and they should keep their opinions off the forums is simply a poor way of communicating and is often the incoherent rants of a rage induced poster. ?


if you say, "ahh pls nerf core necro, its just blowing me up. pls anet fix it." i will immediately assume you are a pleb. would i be wrong in assuming this? if so pls lmk.

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> @"Conscript.3657" said:

> Please continue to insult the "plebs" so we can get posts in the future from you complaining about long queue times and a shrinking PvP community.


im insulting anyone specifically, if your not a pleb then hey cool! its a very simple conept, if you dont know what your talking about, dont post your long list of irrelevant and unnecessary changes. theres plenty of guides and help elsewhere to fix most of these learn-to-play problems. :)

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> @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > Please continue to insult the "plebs" so we can get posts in the future from you complaining about long queue times and a shrinking PvP community.


> im not insulting anyone specifically*


Anti-Semitism doesn't target anyone specifically either, just a group, right?

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> @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > > Please continue to insult the "plebs" so we can get posts in the future from you complaining about long queue times and a shrinking PvP community.

> >

> > im not insulting anyone specifically*


> Anti-Semitism doesn't target anyone specifically either, just a group, right?


when i first started this game, and i didnt know jack about what i was talking about, i was a pleb. thats not an insult, that is a fact. anti_semitism originally refers to jews which is a black and white contrast of identification. pleb is relative, religion/race is not.

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> @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > > @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > > > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > > > Please continue to insult the "plebs" so we can get posts in the future from you complaining about long queue times and a shrinking PvP community.

> > >

> > > im not insulting anyone specifically*

> >

> > Anti-Semitism doesn't target anyone specifically either, just a group, right?


> when i first started this game, and i didnt know jack about what i was talking about, i was a pleb. thats not an insult, that is a fact. anti_semitism originally refers to jews which is a black and white contrast of identification. pleb is relative, religion/race is not.


I'd argue you might not know what you're talking about now either.

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Knowledge is a tricky thing to gain, it often builds slow over time before that "eureka" moment -if it ever comes. Take into account that games rely on not just comprehension of the "rules" but also muscle memory and response times -to name but a few factors that introduce variance.


A big number of complaints about nerfs and the need to nerf "whatever" on this forum or reddit, etc. are wrong -either factually or deceitfully.


Even the recent Deadeye changes are debatable and perhaps not the doomsday that many people are going on about.


Ignorance prompts a lot of this, no doubt just like IRL.


GW2 is fractured with game modes and different versions of things depending on game mode and I don't find it shocking at all that some players cry out in frustration regardless of their proficiencies.



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> @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > > > @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > > > > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > > > > Please continue to insult the "plebs" so we can get posts in the future from you complaining about long queue times and a shrinking PvP community.

> > > >

> > > > im not insulting anyone specifically*

> > >

> > > Anti-Semitism doesn't target anyone specifically either, just a group, right?

> >

> > when i first started this game, and i didnt know jack about what i was talking about, i was a pleb. thats not an insult, that is a fact. anti_semitism originally refers to jews which is a black and white contrast of identification. pleb is relative, religion/race is not.


> I'd argue you might not know what you're talking about now either.


whatd i say that was not a fact?

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> @"Elva.6372" said:

> Knowledge is a tricky thing to gain, it often builds slow over time before that "eureka" moment -if it ever comes. Take into account that games rely on not just comprehension of the "rules" but also muscle memory and response times -to name but a few factors that introduce variance.


> A big number of complaints about nerfs and the need to nerf "whatever" on this forum or reddit, etc. are wrong -either factually or deceitfully.


> Even the recent Deadeye changes are debatable and perhaps not the doomsday that many people are going on about.


> Ignorance prompts a lot of this, no doubt just like IRL.


> GW2 is fractured with game modes and different versions of things depending on game mode and I don't find it shocking at all that some players cry out in frustration regardless of their proficiencies.




you are right. my only point is, if your not knowledgeable about the game, you shouldnt be posting irrelevant complaints in the forums. because ANET sees it and ignored the real issues.

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> @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > somebody might have taken you serious if you weren't on such a high horse.


> im sorry was there something i said that was not factually correct?


you might not have gotten something wrong but you communicated wrong. "pleb" is often used as a derogatory term and using it the way you did makes you come accross as a prick.


but to adress what you were trying to say: you might want to look into something called the "Dunning-Kruger effect"

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > somebody might have taken you serious if you weren't on such a high horse.

> >

> > im sorry was there something i said that was not factually correct?


> you might not have gotten something wrong but you communicated wrong. "pleb" is often used as a derogatory term and using it the way you did makes you come accross as a prick.


> but to adress what you were trying to say: you might want to look into something called the "Dunning-Kruger effect"


i admit my terminology was a bit coarse, i edited the post to make up for that. and yes thats a perfect example lmaooo

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I have just one thing to say. Who the hell is calling for Rev nerfs?


All I see on this forum is "Nerf Mesmer" and "Nerf Scourge" and "Nerf Spellbreaker" ... and up until the last patch, "Nerf Deadeye" (which was a cheese build that wasn't healthy for the game, even if it wasn't OP).

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> @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > > @"Cindakid.7483" said:

> > > > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > > > About as embarrassing as this rage post...

> > >

> > > uhh definitely not a rage post. i sincerely hope your not one of "those plebs" aforementioned if you know what i mean. :)

> >

> > I don't need to be a "pleb", as you say, to know that calling people plebs and saying they don't know kitten and they should keep their opinions off the forums is simply a poor way of communicating and is often the incoherent rants of a rage induced poster. ?


> if you say, "ahh pls nerf core necro, its just blowing me up. pls anet fix it." i will immediately assume you are a pleb. would i be wrong in assuming this? if so pls lmk.


Are we just posting random comments that have nothing to do with the previous comment now? ?

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