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Feed from Corruption / Parasitic Contagion


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Presicely what Zex said, just fix that interaction instead makes alot more sense. Parasitifc contagion is alot more important on base and reaper than unendicing corruption. If we're talking moving it into core, even changing lingering curses and moving unending corruption into that spot for a choice between 3 more utility type choices would make more sense. Either way a definite no from me.

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> @"Zex Anthon.8673" said:

> How about making parasitic contagion heal in shroud instead of removing the only decent sustain core necro has.


Will not happen. Anet have said healing i teraction in shroud will be a pain in the ass that is why they have just shut down the idea of healing in shroud.


If you heal through shroud you will just cycle through your shroud meanwhile restoring your other hp and vice versa when you are hp. That means you will have ridiculous amount of hp buffer with support before your are pressured.


I dont think you realise how good feed from corruption is for pvp/wvw for core necro builds. It will give life to new kind of builds.


Btw core is not played in zergs. Core is used for roaming. And the sustain from parasitic contagion is low against high mobility classes which do not allow damage to land or is cleared fast. That means you have very situational sustain which is not that good and is enabled only when you are dominating.


But you forget the sustain from boons is lasting one and we have no los aoe boon corrupts that hit even through stealth and have boon corrupts integrated with every scourge skills that the sustain on scourge and core will be very good with something like plaguedoctor.


I agree it will be huge sustain loss in pve but necro doesnt even need sustain in pve. Its already the tankiest.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Zex Anthon.8673" said:

> > How about making parasitic contagion heal in shroud instead of removing the only decent sustain core necro has.


> Will not happen. Anet have said healing i teraction in shroud will be a pain in the kitten that is why they have just shut down the idea of healing in shroud.


Except they already did it. [blighter's Boon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blighter%27s_Boon "Blighter's Boon") on reaper heals you while you are in shroud.


> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> If you heal through shroud you will just cycle through your shroud meanwhile restoring your other hp and vice versa when you are hp. That means you will have ridiculous amount of hp buffer with support before your are pressured.


I actually think this is how necro is meant to be played. Necro has no other defenses other than death shroud. Without a way to heal in shroud it just becomes a damage sponge and once its gone you are back at your previous health ready to be killed. Try [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBhOD7kZTo2GsnGwaTgeTssLYQnpEQAI+JeF3iTThjw9C-jphIQBA8gAwtHAQ8KD4vjAQO2fAAXAAA "this") build. With **Blighter's Boon** you are able to regen hp while in shroud and regen lifeforce out of shroud. This results in a play style that I think is what necro should be designed around. Swapping in and out of shroud and playing with your two health pools, healing one while the other is active.


In fact, I would be more in favor of swapping **Blighter's Boon** with a core necro trait, like [unholy Sanctuary](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unholy_Sanctuary "Unholy Sanctuary") (which also heals in shroud btw). In order to make death magic more relevant, and to give core power necro the same capabilities as core condi necro.


> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> I dont think you realise how good feed from corruption is for pvp/wvw for core necro builds. It will give life to new kind of builds.


While I don't disagree that core necro could benefit from feed from corruption, I think swapping it with **Parasitic Contagion** would be more of a scourge buff than a core necro buff. Maybe not in WvW or PvE because condi scourge would still run **Lingering Curse** in those modes (same with core necro), but it most certainly would buff condi scourge in PvP


> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Btw core is not played in zergs. Core is used for roaming. And the sustain from parasitic contagion is low against high mobility classes which do not allow damage to land or is cleared fast. That means you have very situational sustain which is not that good and is enabled only when you are dominating.


Reaper is actually used for roaming in WvW. It has more mobility, sustain, and burst. I agree that parasitic contagion being tied to condi damage makes it situational, especially with the amount of condi cleanse in the game right now. However, a decent condi burst is still enough to produce significant healing and necro has enough condi application that parasitic contagion still provides passive healing even with burst cleanse. The trait could be changed to heal on condi application similar to the boon application on **Blighter's Boon** to make it more reliable, it could also generate life force out of shroud in a similar manner.


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@"Zex Anthon.8673"

I think the issue is more that ANet fear that necromancer get to much sustain coupled with shroud. Shroud in their mind is supposed to be an OP mechanism that we didn't quite yet managed to realize the potential. Obviously the thing is more a shackle than anything else but whatever.


Never forget that _unholy sanctuary_ was the first trait to introduce the concept of heal while in shroud and stayed our only way to gain health while in shroud for quite a long time. For them to give us heal from life siphon, it was already a huge buff. As for blighter boon, it was nerfed quite fast after being introduced. The necromancer have just to many way to apply condition to make a balanced trait that heal the necromancer thanks to condi application.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> @"Zex Anthon.8673"

> I think the issue is more that ANet fear that necromancer get to much sustain coupled with shroud. Shroud in their mind is supposed to be an OP mechanism that we didn't quite yet managed to realize the potential. Obviously the thing is more a shackle than anything else but whatever.


> Never forget that _unholy sanctuary_ was the first trait to introduce the concept of heal while in shroud and stayed our only way to gain health while in shroud for quite a long time. For them to give us heal from life siphon, it was already a huge buff. As for blighter boon, it was nerfed quite fast after being introduced. The necromancer have just to many way to apply condition to make a balanced trait that heal the necromancer thanks to condi application.


At one point before HoT and PoF, sustain while in shroud would have been OP. However, power creep has gotten to the point where you can be bursted through 50K hp in a manner of seconds. Other classes have access to other forms of damage mitigation (blocks, evades, invulns), which makes the outrageous burst manageable for them.

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> @"Zex Anthon.8673" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Zex Anthon.8673"

> > I think the issue is more that ANet fear that necromancer get to much sustain coupled with shroud. Shroud in their mind is supposed to be an OP mechanism that we didn't quite yet managed to realize the potential. Obviously the thing is more a shackle than anything else but whatever.

> >

> > Never forget that _unholy sanctuary_ was the first trait to introduce the concept of heal while in shroud and stayed our only way to gain health while in shroud for quite a long time. For them to give us heal from life siphon, it was already a huge buff. As for blighter boon, it was nerfed quite fast after being introduced. The necromancer have just to many way to apply condition to make a balanced trait that heal the necromancer thanks to condi application.


> At one point before HoT and PoF, sustain while in shroud would have been OP. However, power creep has gotten to the point where you can be bursted through 50K hp in a manner of seconds. Other classes have access to other forms of damage mitigation (blocks, evades, invulns), which makes the outrageous burst manageable for them.


You could already burst throught the shroud before HoT and PoF. The necromancer's limitation in regard of defense have always been the same in the way that they are finite while other's defense aren't especially limited in direct value of damage due to the total nullification of those said damage. A good example to take into account is dungeons, prior to HoT and the general change to mobs the necromancer was also ostracised because he sucked in regard of defense against hard hitting foes. And bosses were hard hitting foes that's been tamed now. Now, there is even bosses that hit you for a percentage of your health to favor necromancer's defensive tools that would be crappy otherwise. That's how ridiculous the game have become to preserve the illusion that the shroud is a good defensive mechanic.

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