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Implement a big arena in the mists. players can right click on others in this arena and propose a duel. only the opponents can dmg each other. And the second s.o. is downed, he is revived and the opponent has won. 2nd duel? sure, if both want it. And so on.


What have we currently:

1) FFA arena: u can duel there, if not too crowded. often there are ppl around that try to fetch a kill and interfere. Ye, i read about the ffaa remake - lets see how it turns out.


2) custom 1v1 arenas: better than ffaa but it doesnt prevent interferences and ganking. lots of afkers and watchers.



Have fun, thx devs.

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> @"Bloadsoaked.6792" said:

> Implement a big arena in the mists. players can right click on others in this arena and propose a duel. only the opponents can dmg each other. And the second s.o. is downed, he is revived and the opponent has won. 2nd duel? sure, if both want it. And so on.


> What have we currently:

> 1) FFA arena: u can duel there, if not too crowded. often there are ppl around that try to fetch a kill and interfere. Ye, i read about the ffaa remake - lets see how it turns out.


> 2) custom 1v1 arenas: better than ffaa but it doesnt prevent interferences and ganking. lots of afkers and watchers.



> Have fun, thx devs.


It would be nice to improve arenas where players can duel in 1v1 without being interrupted by other players. The current arena allows anyone to interrupt a duel between 2 players and do whatever they want.

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