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InstanceCreate failed Error=1042


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"The Sacrifice" story instance loads infinitely, before the game looses connection to the server. Can't progress. Half of my friends have same issues, just with the first insdtance, so they can't even start playing with the expansion.


I know it's only the second day of PoF, but I didn't pay 80 freakin EUR for this.

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apperently my guild mate kept trying restarting client and again and again and again ...after 3h of reconecting and re-trying the prologue finaly worked. according to his info the desert map/storyline is also VERY buggy so mostly what u can do now is bounty hunting since story wont let u continue. OH and ...i have the same problem its either newerending loading screen ending with network error OR that failed ingame error code.

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You come to us with a product. You ask us to pay in advance what we do gladly in order to help you grow as a company. And you deliver to us a broken product. From all the pre-purchases that you got from myself included you were not able to buy a server and test the game out before release? For real?! I waited for so long now to play this and i spend countless hours backtracking and being stuck in loading screens after each mission ends. I rly hope you will come and apologies and provide a form of compensation for wasting ppls weekend and delivering a broken product. We got this in the past before we said fine it was your first expansion but now again it seems you are not learning from mistakes. I love the game i have been here since gw1 and i supported it gladly all the time but now i am realy dissaponinted. I just wanna play the game i purchased in the free weekend i have cause during the week i am working and i am stuck and backtracking half's and half's of hours one after another.

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The crash appears to happen after you've had a CODE 1026 -- which you get after a failure to zone in at the zone in screen -- stuck for five + minutes then crashes to:




Then once the client reboots, and you try to zone in again, you get the 1036; Product 9, Module 18; Line=624 Error code that appears on screen in your chat window too.




Any attempts to rezone in after getting the red 1036 code will result in another 1036 code. The only solution is to reboot the client from desktop.


Rebooting the client from desktop gets you back to the 1026 code screen and repeats the cycle.

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Hi Everyone :)




I might have found a workaround for this bug. I think the issues is in the storyline script.





Whenever I was at the loading screen after boarding the airship I would get "lost connection to server error". After running the client again and logging into my character again, every attempt to board the airship would result in the "error InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036" message.



Swapping to an alternative character helped (but that's not the point), i think it's because alternative character had to run the prologue again and that story script wasn't bugged yet.



Eventually I succeeded with my main character. What I did is:



1) Go to windows, press "WIN key + R", type "**ipconfig /flushdns**" and hit enter.

2) Restart your computer.

3) Run game client and log into your char again.

4) Go into hero tab, under "story journal" click on "**quit this chapter**", and then run it again by clicking on "**continue this chapter**".

5) Try to board the airship for Crystal Desert again.



^This worked for me, hopefully it helps for you too.

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I can confirm this doesn't work. I've tried it with 4 characters now, rebooting, restarting router, flushdns, restarting story, everything.


I think it's just random, sometimes it just works, and then the person for whom it works thinks whatever they did last helped.

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Seems like it's server-side. I was able to progress the story nicely during the nigh (ye I'm crazy, I played 2 am - 10 am) - less players. Now it's 5 p.m (more traffic), and have the same problem I had yesterday with starting any story instance in PoF. At least now I have my main in Crystal Desert so I can do some events...

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I was able to enter the prologue last night at around 11:30, however now i cant enter any story instance in the crystal oasis to carry on the story, and with it being 12 hours now since the latest update (and i know that it is timezone related) i am honestly very upset at this point, i want to be in awe of the work and world created, but if i am going to get stuck every time there is an instance waiting for patches and reworks to let us play it, its going to get disheartening. on top of all that, spoiler avoiding is going to get that more difficult if you are behind everyone else. i hope it does get fixed soon :(

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> @"Dara Potocska.8196" said:

> We're still working on the "error InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036" issue. However, we are also aware of folks crashing while in their stories. To help us organize and pass along your information, could you guys please answer:


> 1. If you have "error InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036" what server group are you playing in? (Ie: NA, EU, China)

> 2. If you have a different error, are you getting an error message and what is it?


> Thank you everyone!


1. EU

2. No different Error. Just get this one, or the loading stuck

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