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Keybinding.. Newbie Q

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> @"Kryptonite.5804" said:

> Hi guys, back again..


> Change left mouse button to be an 'action/attack' function (eg. same as 1).. just checking I haven't missed something and that it can't be done within the 'control option' menu.. any insight much appreciated..


Sadly, you can't rebind the left and right mouse buttons. The middle and side buttons (Mouse 3, 4, 5...) are the only buttons you can rebind.

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Wow.. thank you so much for such a quick reply guys..


Hoodie, thanks mate.. thought so, as a stupid newbie just thought I'd better check...


Thank you Glacial.. your right close though : )..


Found a winner!!.. spent the last hr looking into 3rd party software for the first time... 'X mouse' I f'n love it... I now have tap or tab(?) targeting.. auto complete attack.. no white dot or crosshair.. and left mouse button any function I want.. Happy as a pig in mud!..


Thanks guys.. you have a great day.. and a great game!.. Cheers K

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> @"Kryptonite.5804" said:

> Wow.. thank you so much for such a quick reply guys..


> Hoodie, thanks mate.. thought so, as a stupid newbie just thought I'd better check...


> Thank you Glacial.. your right close though : )..


> Found a winner!!.. spent the last hr looking into 3rd party software for the first time... 'X mouse' I f'n love it... I now have tap or tab(?) targeting.. auto complete attack.. no white dot or crosshair.. and left mouse button any function I want.. Happy as a pig in mud!..


> Thanks guys.. you have a great day.. and a great game!.. Cheers K


Be careful of 3rd party software, some are not allowed. Other than 1 (Archdps) and Overlays.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Kryptonite.5804" said:

> > Wow.. thank you so much for such a quick reply guys..

> >

> > Hoodie, thanks mate.. thought so, as a stupid newbie just thought I'd better check...

> >

> > Thank you Glacial.. your right close though : )..

> >

> > Found a winner!!.. spent the last hr looking into 3rd party software for the first time... 'X mouse' I f'n love it... I now have tap or tab(?) targeting.. auto complete attack.. no white dot or crosshair.. and left mouse button any function I want.. Happy as a pig in mud!..

> >

> > Thanks guys.. you have a great day.. and a great game!.. Cheers K


> Be careful of 3rd party software, some are not allowed. Other than 1 (Archdps) and Overlays.


This is wise advice, but the OP is probably on fairly safe ground if they restrict their use to exactly "one hardware action" to "one keystroke", as in, remap the left mouse button to the tab key? No big deal. Remap it to "tab and ..." and you are in trouble.



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> @"Kryptonite.5804" said:

> Yes of course.. All I wanted was my left mouse button to swing my great sword.. had no idea it would be at the risk of being banned.. I only bought the 2 expansion packs 2 days ago... what to do :(


As long as you keep all keybinds to perform one action, you're ok!

You're not allowed to have one physical key-press perform a *sequence of actions*. So having "Left Mouse Button = Skill 1" is perfectly fine. Having "Mouse 3 = Target Nearest" is also fine.

"Mouse 3 = Target Nearest *and then* Activate Skill 1" is **not ok**.

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> @"Kryptonite.5804" said:

> Wow.. thank you so much for such a quick reply guys..


> Hoodie, thanks mate.. thought so, as a stupid newbie just thought I'd better check...


> Thank you Glacial.. your right close though : )..


> Found a winner!!.. spent the last hr looking into 3rd party software for the first time... 'X mouse' I f'n love it... I now have tap or tab(?) targeting.. auto complete attack.. no white dot or crosshair.. and left mouse button any function I want.. Happy as a pig in mud!..


> Thanks guys.. you have a great day.. and a great game!.. Cheers K


You're welcome. Don't be hard on yourself for being a newbie, I do my best to help newbies whenever they ask a question. Also, @"Glacial.9516" is right. You can use the Action Camera to have the auto attack bound to Mouse 1.


If you're afraid of getting banned from using 3rd party software, I recommend you bind the auto attack to the F key and skill 2 to the C key. These are the keybinds I use because I've been playing core engineer for 5 years.

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