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Core vs Sb, wvw solo roaming


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Hey all, wanted to open talk about how those of you who roam feel of this two builds.

So from one side , playing core warrior is quite good when facing other warriors, SBs, revenants.

On the other side, SB feels like better counter to pesky mirage, chrono and thieves.

I personally pref to run SB, mostly coz there are sooo many random mirages out there and i also got quite bored of axe. bad side of this would be , facing skilled core warriors leads you to playing defensive and make them give up, or die (just personal opinion).

In some way i think anet did make this two builds quite different yet both have plus or minus side. What do you guys think, are you more on side of core or sb ?


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I play both, but prefer Core - because it's simply more savage with the Strength line (Peak Performance, Reckless Dodge...). I find that Core is superior against physical damage builds, but worse against condition builds. Also, Spellbreaker is more useful in skirmishes, okay damage with more interrupts, sustain and debuff, where Core only brings high damage, not bad per se, but maybe not enough against skilled parties.


Against thieves, I feel that Core warrior is better than Spellbreaker, because you can erase the thief any time he makes a mistake (while surviving your own mistakes pretty well). However, a thief can always disengage, so there's a nuance, a warrior does not kill a thief, but rather thief dies to a warrior.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Spellbreaker is better in outnumbered fights if you wanna have a chance to survive or even to win.


People who attack you 2vs1 usually spam their attack so random and they attack you nonstop to get the kill, this land a 100% full counter activation for you, if you get even the hit on one of the 2 guys attacking you, you are in a decent spot. Plus unblockable dagger burst helps a lot with sustain adrenaline health.


Core full zerk war is problem one of the best duelist 1vs1 builds out there.

Easy to play and oneshot capabilities.


Up to personal preference what to use.

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