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Has Revenant Changed Since It's Release


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I started playing a Revenant when they were first introduced, but took a long break before PoF came out. I'm getting back into the swing and I remember loving the idea of my Rev, but the "best" build at the time involved just spamming auto attack. My question is, is there any sort of diversity to Revenant at this point? Is Glint still the only really useful stance?

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Definitely answer Lucian's question because that matters and I imagine he or someone else will give you specific feedback on whichever game mode you're hoping to get into. Generally speaking though, rev has seen some pretty fun changes in recent balance patches. Just got trident as a new underwater weapon which is a lot of fun. Off-hand sword also got a re-work and now hits pretty hard and is way more fun to use. It also means you aren't just auto-attacking all day long. The new elite spec is considered to be pretty poor, but its got some fun aspects to it that sometimes get overlooked. Check out Boots Bad Builds for a neat trick with the elite skill and runes of the mad king. As for stances other than Glint, I've seen Shiro get some use lately in pvp, but let Lucian or someone else more knowledgeable than me tell you about what kind of diversity there is for your preferred game mode.

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if you do raids for the most part peps want you in build and that is condi will be the main one but you can be the healer too. for general play you can go power if you want or stay in condi up to you. in wvw rev is like the mist hard to hit and for the most part hard to kill and all 3 build are good. for condi build most players use vipers stats with mace axe and short bow with renagade the new spec. power and healing is still glint but for power most use swords now and staff but the staff was reworked so the op breackbar 5 is weeker now. this is the average ifo on the class and builds if you want the build you can use metabattle for the all of it or you can try some new stuff out to see what fits you all is good though.

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> @"Zumi.6384" said:

> Hey guys, thanks for the responses! I'm mostly a PvE player, interested in raids and fractals, but I may do some WvW from time to time. Thanks again for your help!


Since you're mostly a PvE player you've got a fair amount of options for a variety of situations!


Open World: In Open World obviously you can run whatever you want, but Power Herald, Power Renegade, Condi Herald, and Condi Renegade are all very viable options. They all maintain 25 might stacks easily and all put out about 9k to 15k damage solo which is more than enough for solo play.


For Fractals and Raids: Condi Renegade is king for revenant builds in organized play, BUT I've seen Power Heralds in PUG Fractals that do a good job since the spec is better against trash mobs. Also Healer Herald or Healer Renegade are useful for the 2nd healer slot in raids if your groups want it. Renegade can also be used alongside a Firebrand to bring 100% alacrity uptime while still doing 25k+ dps benchmark.


For WvW: Hammer Revenant is great for zerging and there are Renegade and Herald builds for it. Old frontline condi revenant can still be run, too, but is not as viable as it used to be due to scourge and the pirateship meta. If you're roaming you can pretty much run whatever you feel best at, but I personally prefer Hammer Herald w/ S/S. Other Hammer roamers like Justine take Staff or maybe axe or shield. S/S + Staff Herald is probably the best duelist build as well. Condi Herald is an okay roamer as well, but I personally find it limiting compared to any of Power Herald variants. Personally, I wouldn't touch Renegade with a 10ft pole for roaming as it just doesn't have the defenses to do well in 1v1 or small group combat.


EDIT: As for your rotation questions the answer is yes, the rotations are better than "just autoattack" now (even though I personally find that to be a misrepresentation of the class, even back when autoattack was a large part of the rotation). Power still uses a fair amount of autoattacks even with the new offhand sword rework, but solo you'll probably find the playstyle to be a lot more versatile now. The reworked impossible odds means we don't have quickness on demand anymore the way we used to, so we have more room to use other skills that don't scale with quickness in solo environments, like Unrelenting Assault.


Hope this helps! If you have any build questions or whatever feel free to ask!

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Wow, thank you for the insanely thorough response! That is immensely helpful. I always liked my Herald, so I may pick it up again and give it a shot. It's kinda crazy, I played this game religiously for 3+ years, but getting back into it is really daunting. Trying to play my Mesmer again is NOT like riding a bike haha

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