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Past to Present

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So, i'm an old player. Played during release and up to and a little after the first WvW season (Not actually sure on the time accuracy, but whatever). I was wondering if WvW now in terms

of fights is similar. I.E i remember there being TONs of guilds each with their own drivers running on certain nights, tons of guilds doing GvGs, casual, hardcore. The life was bustling with excitement and tension between a metric butt ton of guilds. Is it similar now as it was then? i'd really like to get back into it.

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It's definitely not as busy as it once was, but there are still a good amount of guilds and for the most part there are still fights to be had but a lot of the guilds now are pretty casual. you'll probably find the most action in T1-T3 (for NA). Guilds still GvG from time to time but the scene isnt really competitive where guilds are scrimming every night if you are on NA. EU is a lot more active with GvGs. Fights are there, you wont find as many small scale fights, guilds tend to run 20-25+ in NA.


It's still fun for the most part, the meta can be kinda brain dead, but it's not terrible imo.

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They folded the servers down from 24 to 12 NA and 27 to 15 EU with links just to try and get levels back to what it was before HoT, that alone should tell you how many have left the game mode. You can still get fights throughout the day depending on servers, NA prime is still busy on most servers.

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> @"seantmdonaldson.3571" said:

>I remember there being TONs of guilds each with their own drivers running on certain nights, tons of guilds doing GvGs, casual, hardcore. The life was bustling with excitement and tension between a metric butt ton of guilds. Is it similar now as it was then? i'd really like to get back into it.


Unfortunately, we'd all need a time machine for that. There is no passion, excitement, nor tension, left in the mode. For over the past two years our World populations have been heavily managed, manipulated, and diminished by the developers. So there is no competition or desire to win any longer. The extent that worlds try to organize and push is only there to place themselves in certain tiers. Simply, the WvW we all fondly remember is gone.

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