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How to beat a Mesmer condi and chrono


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Vallun explains how to beat the current chrono and mirage condi meta builds.



I really wish there were more analytical discussions and game knowledge transfer on these forums. Maybe there should be a sub section dedicated to whinning and complaining.




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Totally.. so wheres the one where he explains how to beat a chrono on reaper... lets see this.

My point is, is that it doesn't mean chrono isnt busted just because he posts one niche build that may counter it.


Maybe there should be a sub forum for this kind of stuff. Because it will have like one or two guys who can post maybe 1 or 2 niche builds that can deal with busted bs.

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> @"TheDevice.2751" said:

> Totally.. so wheres the one where he explains how to beat a chrono on reaper... lets see this.

> My point is, is that it doesn't mean chrono isnt busted just because he posts one niche build that may counter it.


> Maybe there should be a sub forum for this kind of stuff. Because it will have like one or two guys who can post maybe 1 or 2 niche builds that can deal with busted bs.


Niche. Build.




"Niche. Build."


Sword+Dagger core thief has been the meta build since before Path of Fire. It's been omnipresent as THE thief build to master and run for six months now. It's in most platinum league matches and every single automated tournament. And most importantly, this isn't just a video on how to approach Chronobunker but how to analyze and approach any build that might ever be considered meta, ever. I don't know how you expect people to take you seriously when you don't even recognize the most widely run thief build in the upper echelons of play and think it's some insane gimmick thing.


Vallun's video makes no judgement calls on Chrono's current state and the how overpowered it is, but he absolutely has in the past. Everyone knows Chronobunker is a grossly overpowered spec. There's literally a 30 page thread just about Mesmer's overpowered state in the balance. I mean hell, Vallun says that "thief vs Chronobunker is not a good match up, but this is what they'er capable of" in the video itself.


Niiiiiiiiiiiiche buiiiiiiiiiiild.

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