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[Suggestion] Chat notification sounds

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Hello everyone.


Something that I always found questionable is that the chat has no notification sounds. The only time you ever get to hear a notification sound is when someone whispers you. I was thinking if notification sounds options were added in the game and maybe you can choose from a variety of notification sounds to play everytime you receive a message in multiple chat channels, like in team chat, party chat, guild chat etc.


In other games like Counter Strike: Global Offensive, League of Legends I noticed that they have chat notification sounds everytime someone writes a message and I believe this would most definitely be a quality of life addition for Guild Wars 2, especially when it comes to game modes like PvP and WvW. Enable notification sounds in team chat, someone writes a message in team chat and everyone in your team can hear it. Not having a notification sound would most likely cause you to miss out on important information that teammates give you.


What are your thoughts? Would you like to see this feature added?

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The problem is that MMOs are inherently more social than CSGO or LoL. There's a lot of people standing around doing nothing but talk in map chat - and even party/squad chat gets busy with idle chatter during downtime. I don't know what it's like in PvP or WvW in fairness, as I've not gotten involved in those modes before. But I imagine it can get very annoying very quickly if the game is going "ping" for every message in chat.

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> @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> The problem is that MMOs are inherently more social than CSGO or LoL. There's a lot of people standing around doing nothing but talk in map chat - and even party/squad chat gets busy with idle chatter during downtime. I don't know what it's like in PvP or WvW in fairness, as I've not gotten involved in those modes before. But I imagine it can get very annoying very quickly if the game is going "ping" for every message in chat.


I did recommend for players to have the option to enable notification sounds on certain chat channels. For example, if you don't want to be notified in map chat, you can disable it. As for PvP, I think it would be a nice feature to add. Those that want to be notified when someone writes a message can have it enabled and for those that find it annoying can turn it off.

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