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Some general and somewhat random Ideas for possible improvement

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I have been a long standing supporter of guild wars from the beginning of guild wars 1 and there are several opinions I have drawn up over the history of guild wars 2 I would like to put out there.

First off I understand that there is pressure to keep pumping out new content and focus likewise is on that, however I would like to propose just how much good could come of going back and fixing/ finishing some of the old content from the core game. People like to play things that are free, and I get not wanting to give them so much freedom they have no need to get the expansions, however all I am asking for are a few simple changes that would make core Tyria more immersive in a sense, or give it more of a repeat value.

1. Enable some of the disabled options for finishing various hearts and **make more hearts and challenges repeatable** like in the expansions. There are many hearts in the core game that have disabled features, I do not know if that is because people were exploiting them a while back for lion key farms or what but there have been enough changes that letting people water plants and feed cows in core Tyria on a day to day basis should not cause problems like that. This also adds to the immersion and life of the world, just like how farming was added to home instances, giving people some reason to go back and visit towns and farms and such gives players, especially casual or role-play characters, something to work with.

2. Bring back the **personality bar**. This was a small little aspect of the game, but it always made me smile. I have no idea why it was turned off. One of the whole selling points of guild wars 2 in the beginning was that we could choose our story was it not? We still get all the options in character creation and choose charm, dignity, or ferocity. Even if it has no major impact on actual progression, giving players something like this where they can choose how they want to deal with situations and seeing how their personality meters change as they play is really cool. Maybe they start out as nice and charming but after they play through an expansion or living story they realize their character has turned ferocious and violent. Maybe they the other way around. It was something that was already implemented, and decently well, I don't understand why it can't come back.

3. **Dueling**. If my memory serves correctly, dueling was not added as a feature in PVE because you wanted to promote teamwork and cooperation between players, or something to that effect. But dueling is not the same as adding a PK system, which is basically how world vs world works anyway. Letting players duel with each other is a great way to promote friendly competition, kill time, teach others, and more. It's not like people can't refuse duels, and its not like they have to lose items or die from them. Truly I think it is a feature that would be very well received by the community.

4. **Minigames**. Now in the expansions this is something that is being done very well, but what ever happened to the promises of a **shooting range** and** bar fights** in Divinity's Reach? Why not give cities some more things players can compete with a bit. I would love, as I know many others would, if we could have some return of the Kilroy Stonekin's Punch-Out Extravaganza, and other similar challenges from EoTN. it could even be like a toy or tonic brawl. Give people knuckles to punch with or bottles to break in someones face, etc, etc... What ever happened to the hints of a **minipet arena**? give it a system like hero battles or costume brawls and let people go nuts while others watch. And **FIX BELCHER'S BLUFF** Please.

5. Make **Season 1 repeatable** like all the others are.

6. This is more of a personal grievance. **Mount size**. I understand what you have said to others who brought this up, but I just can't believe there is nothing you can do about it, currently only humans and sylvari actually look the proper size for their mounts... only 2/5 of your races actually look good on them, please PLEASE do SOMETHING.

7. **Race or class change coupons** for the gem store. I can promise you they would be well worth the trouble.

8. **Wigs!** AKA, other hair styles added as hats or tonic equipables. For those players than want a different hairstyle every hour of the day!

I've got plenty of other ideas of increasing absurdities but I believe I have rambled long enough. I love the game and hope more than anything it continues to get better.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> I am not a fan of repeatable hearts. If they have to exist, just make the vendor be permanently unlocked after you finish the heart once, instead of having to complete the heart every day you want to use the vendor. That's just tedious


They should be repeatable, but vender unlock should be permanent. It shouldn't be that hard to do.


I also agree with the personality bars and LW season 1. They could even revise LW1 as a way to bring in other races.

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