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[Movie] Hybrid Axe WvW 1vNs w/ some balance commentary


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Ok, so:


- A rev that looks like it doesn't really know what it's doing

- A druid that just stands there, doesn't stunbreak

- A chrono that just stands there, doesn't stunbreak

- A noob renegade

- A noob scourge

- A deadeye that just stands there looking around while dying

- A noob war

- A duel with a scourge that you actually came close to losing, immediately followed by a noob DH and a noob War


I stopped watching at that point. Mirage is strong, but these are not good examples. Most of those players would have been quickly downed by any decent roamer playing bursty (power or condi).


Besides that, we're talking about a roaming/small group context, which WVW is not balanced around. Mesmer in large groups is generally lackluster. At least it's really good at roaming. Could it be toned down a little? Sure.

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Yes, some of the people are not good here, I even make fun of that in the comments and in the last fight via the song but this is a 1vN entertainment montage not a dueling video.


I'll be sure to do a 1v1 voice commentary movie next. Of course, you will still call the people that get easily beat noobs, regardless of their spvp title or their wvw rank, because everyone looks bad when they can't connect on their target. Mesmer flat out has more defensive tools available to them than other classes. And with the high damage in the game, damage avoidance is king.


As far as "large groups." I really don't care about zerg issues. Every class should have a viable roaming build. There is zero reason for me to roam with any other class than mesmer since it has the tools to deal with any situation.


1. Can it kill any other class driven by a decent player 1v1 including other mesmers and thieves? Yup.

2. Can it win 1vNs against average to subpar players? Yup

3. Can it escape bad situations/zergs? Yup

4. Can it do well in largescale zerg fights? Only zerglings care about this

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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> It's amazing how 95%+ I run across in WvW are noobs that are easily killed, regardless of their spvp titles or wvw rank.


That's because most of them are, or at least are not built/good at 1v1s. Not tooting my horn to make myself look good, but I'm pretty good at roaming, and it's pretty obvious from those first few minutes that most of those players you were facing are not very good, at least in a 1v1 context.


Maybe I'll watch the rest of your vid tonight (probably not), but most of those kills could have been just as easily accomplished by other classes. They aren't showing me the "broken stuff" point that you're trying to make.

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> @"Magolith.9412" said:

> > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > It's amazing how 95%+ I run across in WvW are noobs that are easily killed, regardless of their spvp titles or wvw rank.


> That's because most of them are, or at least are not built/good at 1v1s. Not tooting my horn to make myself look good, but I'm pretty good at roaming, and it's pretty obvious from those first few minutes that most of those players you were facing are not very good, at least in a 1v1 context.


> Maybe I'll watch the rest of your vid tonight (probably not), but most of those kills could have been just as easily accomplished by other classes. They aren't showing me the "broken stuff" point that you're trying to make.


Obviously the first part isn't addressing the issue of defensive cooldowns since those are just ganks, which was done because of that segment of the song. You'll notice that when that part of the song comes up again, I switch to ganks on a power staff daredevil.


I probably shouldn't mix commentary with entertainment montage. Perhaps you should check the fight at 4:35 to see the point I am making.


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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> I'll be sure to do a 1v1 voice commentary movie next. Of course, you will still call the people that get easily beat noobs, regardless of their spvp title or their wvw rank, because everyone looks bad when they can't connect on their target.


If they act like the players in those "fights" I watched, sure.


> - As far as "large groups." I really don't care about zerg issues. Every class should have a viable roaming build.

> - There is zero reason for me to roam with any other class than mesmer since it has the tools to deal with any situation.

Most classes do have a viable roaming build. The only thing making mirage better at "dealing with any situation" imo is sword leap/jaunt allowing it to escape & re-engage like a thief.


> Perhaps you should check the fight at 4:35 to see the point I am making.

Just did. I still think it's a sub-par example. You're fighting a zergling hammer rev and a SB who appears to just be mashing buttons and looks to be maybe average skill level. In its defense, SB isn't that great at catching classes that can kite well, especially when you can force detarget and jump to another player (1vX). Anyway, I've run into several good roaming spellbreakers that could have made that fight much, much more difficult.


Perhaps I should say again, sure mirage could use a _little_ toning down. But, given encounters with players of comparable skill and good roaming builds, the difference is not quite as significant as many make it out to be.

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You notice the difference when you solo roam with other classes. Typical night of full roaming on a mesmer or thief is dying 0-2 times and those deaths only occur if you are fighting a skilled player that outplays you (typically another mesmer or thief) or if you get outnumbered while things are on cooldown or you are out of initiative.


If you can't escape from or avoid zergs you aren't playing a viable roaming build. You are going to be spending a lot of time respawning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mate why are you so obsessed with nerfing Mesmer into oblivion, you pretty much live in this forum. This video just proves you don’t know what you are talking about, all of these fights were against clearly bad or inexperienced players.. I have done all this and more playing on other classes against people who seemed to have entered wvw for their first time ever. To be honest your level of skill playing on Mesmer isn’t all that good either, and I think you are just being dishonest about how often you kill people.. because I die all the time to better players but have little trouble fighting Mesmers with your skill level based on this vid. I mean it would be stupid to admit mirage isn’t strong, but other classes like sb and scourge are equally or more so cheese.. just go into other profession forum category and watch their 1vNs. Or look at those deadeye snipers who sit in perma stealth and only pop out to burst you and then almost immediately go back into stealth until the next burst, talk about defensive godmode

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