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Vanilla and HoT open world build


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I had an 80 Mesmer that I never played and only actually leveled about halfway through so I deleted it and recently remade a new one. I'm up to level 45 or so and am currently playing with Scepter/Torch mostly and GS. I know GS is good but it feels boring sometimes (although fun enough, despite lacking defensive options), and Staff felt slow and ineffective for AoE so I had to stop using it entirely. I have at times had Scepter/Focus as well. I tried Sword/Pistol on my first Mesmer and I know that Sword MH in general is also good but I love ranged dps. I have HoT but not PoF so I can eventually spec into Chrono and Shield if I want.


So here's my question - I get the impression that Scepter is in general bad because it's not on any of the Metabattle builds but it's one I find the most fun and it's skills feel the most Mesmer-y. Why is it so bad? I feel like if I stack enough Condi damage it should do decently well damage wise, and the block and invisibility on Scepter/Torch are a lot of fun. What am I missing? I'm also using Mantra of Pain, Blink, and Signet of Inspiration thus far as my Utility (but there's still some Utility I haven't learned yet), along with Time Warp. I'll only be doing open world content so none of this really matters I know, but I'd like to get more information anyway.

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Scepter is clunky. AA is so bad (both damage and reliability) and clone generation is meh at best. Block is kinda good but Sword has Distortion on 2. Scepter 3 has good damage but interruptable, inflicts confusion (which is bad in pvp mostly). While Sword 3 offers clone generation + immob + mobility.


I recommend using GS + Sword/Torch or GS + Sword/Pistol. With Dueling - Illusions - Elite. I think it is the most efficient build for open world at the moment. For core, use Dueling - Illusions - Domination.

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> @"Leiloni.7951" said:

> So here's my question - I get the impression that Scepter is in general bad because it's not on any of the Metabattle builds but it's one I find the most fun and it's skills feel the most Mesmer-y. Why is it so bad? I feel like if I stack enough Condi damage it should do decently well damage wise, and the block and invisibility on Scepter/Torch are a lot of fun. What am I missing? I'm also using Mantra of Pain, Blink, and Signet of Inspiration thus far as my Utility (but there's still some Utility I haven't learned yet), along with Time Warp. I'll only be doing open world content so none of this really matters I know, but I'd like to get more information anyway.


What @"Imperadordf.2687" said, basically. It isn't liked much, because people feel the other options are superior to it. Kind of like the necromancer axe was for a long time: it isn't exactly terrible, it just ... isn't the best at anything.


That said, it really isn't going to be that much of a problem to just play as you like; if that is what works for you then, dang, play it! I'll bet that you can do vastly more than most people would credit using it. :)

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I would definitely also recommend GS + Sword/Other combo. Dual swords are pretty good, I ran with that a lot before going Chrono and taking a shield.


In terms of specs, definitely duelling and domination for GS and Swords. Illusions is a good pick too if you're not going with the elite specs.


If you do want to go with an elite spec, then GS & Sword/Shield is damn fine to play with. Duelling/Dom/Chrono.

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