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New Arena


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I think it's an amazing arena and I've had some fun toying with people already... Not sure if it's intended or not so I'm going to post it.


**You can Mass Invis people from the pillars and use FB Tome heals and such, lots of fun but some people found it annoying during their duels.**

![](https://i.imgur.com/NkuFOwl.jpg "")


**Jackal engagement is fun and a good way to start a free for all, although some felt like it was unfair but it's really easy to jump the fence**

![](https://i.imgur.com/ACVudBm.jpg "")



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WE having a blast pushing & trolling ppl over it. & the fact i can get caught in my own set up as well & respawn over the next WP makes it infuriating & fun.

Exactly the chaos that this game needs. If you fix it or clean it up in someways you take a part of what makes it fun away. There should be a free arena small or no bigger then this one in every major cities. Not in some empty instance like the guildhall.

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The new arena is much better than the previous version which didn't have enough space or enough cover for melee professions to take advantage of LoS and prevent damage from ranged professions like the ranger. Also, being able to sit and watch people fight in the arena is a nice addition.


My main problem with the arena since the very beginning is that it's free for all. Instead of that, why not make everyone neutral and have the option to challenge other players in a duel? That way trolls can't interrupt players in their 1v1 duels. I get that it's an arena, but it would be nice to be able to duel players without being interrupted by other players.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> The new arena is much better than the previous version which didn't have enough space or enough cover for melee professions to take advantage of LoS and prevent damage from ranged professions like the ranger. Also, being able to sit and watch people fight in the arena is a nice addition.


> My main problem with the arena since the very beginning is that it's free for all. Instead of that, why not make everyone neutral and have the option to challenge other players in a duel? That way trolls can't interrupt players in their 1v1 duels. I get that it's an arena, but it would be nice to be able to duel players without being interrupted by other players.


You do know you can go to custom arenas for 1v1's don't you?

I'm just saying leave the free for all if you don't like it.

& go to a custom one. Rest of us are having a blast with out having

peeps complaining on how not boring anoth it is.


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I love the new arena it has everything!


Wide enough space that AoE builds don't poop 1/3 of the arena.

Area to kite if your build allows it.

Places to LoS Range.

Z-axis on one obstacle.

No teleport zone on another.

Punishment for being knocked off the ledge.

Corners near said ledges to play around (Reminds me of old sky-hammer point A.)

Safe OOC areas make it hard to re access.



Only thing I could ask for is more of this, but this has everything and it is wonderful.


Also I'm not to sour about people standing on pillars and casting in, it's kinda interesting and fun. You get hit by cleave sometimes anyways this isn't to much different and most beneficial things help multiple players. It's part of the natural chaos of the arena, but unlike before it's not damage coming through.

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This arena is like 3000000 times better than the old one, no claustrophobia feelings anymore and a bit friendlier to the eyes/ brighter. The benches above are nice. Also i like the respawn outside of it, the jump out of the arena was abused to get another target- and positionreset very often

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