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[SUGGESTION] Replaceable Sigils in Legendary Weapons!!!

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So I love the way that the legendary armor has the ability to just pop new runes in and out so that you can swap builds or gear on different characters.

However, this is not a feature in Legendary weapons for some reason, where it would be even handier so that you can reroll builds or use certain weapons to equip different characters (even for example heal tempest vs dps weaver on the same character). I would love to see the sigil exchange function being added here, too, so that we can easily adjust builds with the legendary weapons as well, especially since a lot of the current meta sigils are a bit pricey and not something I would like to buy stacks of, just like extractors... We built the legendaries with enough blood, sweat, and tears that I think it's a reasonable request.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> I belive it was said that they do not wish to implement that due to economical reasons. The few sigils which are still worth something would drop in price insanely, which would also cause alot of exotic weapons / materials to drop in price.


That was a thing that they said _may_ have been a problem but I think that they decided that it wasn't. (Most sigils are cheap anyway and 74% of players registered in GW2efficiency don't have a single legendary weapon).


Last "official" word that I saw about this is the following:


> **mikezadorojny**

> 5 months ago

> As we looked into how to support sigil swapping on Legendary Weapons it opened up the investigation to larger issues with the system as a whole. It is something I still would like us to address, but I want the design team to take the time to do it right.



Regardless, until they solve this (which could be in months, years or never) I've decided to shelve making any more legendary weapons; I have one legendary weapon weapon right now and I think I've used the stat swapping twice.


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Better would it be to introduce ascended runes and sigils, which work as accountbased unlocks, that once you receive them, they unlock their effects for your account, so that every upgrade effect that has been unlocked for your account, can then be attached as you want to your equipment, basically like we can do that in PvP, where players can quickly change out all upgrade effects in the lobby and change their builds around as you like, because there are all upgrade effects accessible for the player, except a few that have to be unlocked by paying gold to unlock them for your account so that theres a small gold sink...


Implementign accountbased ascended ruens and sigils would be also at the same time the solution and required preparation that Anet woudl have to make, so that somethign like implementing an own official Build template System woudl become possible, because a Build template System requires it to be able to exchange for your quickly out all aspects of your equipment out in a matter of milliseconds after clicking a button to switch to one of ypour saved up builds, wich is a mechanism that can work onl,y if all build relevant aspects of a saved up build are accountbound. It won't work, if there are mechanics in the game, which still work on a characterbound basis, cause a build template system has to work for all characters of your account exactly the same way.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > **mikezadorojny**

> > 5 months ago

> > As we looked into how to support sigil swapping on Legendary Weapons it opened up the investigation to larger issues with the system as a whole. It is something I still would like us to address, but I want the design team to take the time to do it right.




> Regardless, until they solve this (which could be in months, years or never) I've decided to shelve making any more legendary weapons; I have one legendary weapon weapon right now and I think I've used the stat swapping twice.



I mean that's a comfort I suppose. I'm just hoping it's one of the things they make a priority, as aside from the shinies, the stat swapping is pretty much the main reason to even make a legendary weapon (that's pretty much the biggest reason I will be making the light and medium legendary armor as well as the heavy; the skins are meh imho, but the stat swap...) and that feature is being blocked essentially, by the inability to change sigils on the fly.


And the pricing argument is kind of meh imho, because right now I wouldn't stat swap a legy weapon, especially ones that hold like 5g sigils (or god forbid, a sigil of transference :s ) just because I wouldn't want to lose them. So, I'd wait for a drop, and have an extra weapon in my inventory and get the sigils I need for the other build for that one. In the end, I have 2 sets of sigils (or 3, or whatever), the same number I would have if I were able to pop the sigils in and out.


I just really hope this needs a bit of love from the devs, because, like I said, the fact that it's an unavailable mechanic, kind of defeats the purpose of crafting the legendary in the first place.

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> @"Aechidna.3084" said:

> A random drop or purchase for 3k gold in order to make use of a mechanic that should be built in on a legendary is not "addressing it", sorry to say...


i know, but once they put that in game, there is no turning back because it wouldn't be fair to those who bought them.... sorry to say, i don't see free sigil swapping coming


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