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All-time favorite builds?

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> @"Boro.7359" said:

> > @"Raemyi.2968" said:

> > My favorite was a Warrior build that centered around cycling between Dragon Slash and other abilities to continually chain damage, healing, or knockdown.

> >

> > The crux was For Great Justice, which doubles your adrenaline gain, and Dragon Slash, which basically deals damage and grants adrenaline. While FGJ is active, a single use of Dragon Slash will refill your adrenaline. For damage, you just keep spamming it - the hit alone refills its own adrenaline requirements.

> >

> > My favorite part though was working in Brawling Headbutt, a PvE-only skill that knocks down the target for an adrenaline cost. So you just cycle Dragon Slash, Brawling Headbutt, auto-attack, Dragon Slash.... and with some stonefist armor, you can keep any non-immune target locked down for 20 seconds. 30 seconds, if you throw in the Paragon skill that boosts shout duration on FGJ. Lion's Comfort, an adrenaline-fueled self-heal that grants adrenaline back, could also be spammed in the same manner to pseudo-tank when needed, or could be used to get back to full adrenaline easier if you miss a hit. Likewise, Enraging Charge was a speed-boost that also boosted adrenaline gain on the next hit, which let the whole cycle get going almost immediately when starting a fight.

> >

> > The cherry on top was "You Move Like a Dwarf", another PvE-only skill that simply knocks down a target at range. With this, those nasty mages casting big stuff at the start of a fight could be neutralized while you set up your combo. And, against immune targets like big story bosses, you could swap in an attack speed boost to supplement Dragon Slash spamming for impressive plain-and-simple damage.

> >

> >

> > It was a build perfectly suited to taking out those specific targets that would ruin my day, while my Heroes went to work on the rest of the crowd.


> then you realized that assassins could do the same but better with their jagged-fox-death blossom chains while conveying even more damage via strength of honor and other flat boosts.


More outright damage, yes, but the Dragon Slash-Brawling Headbutt-Steelfang Slash combo is one that can keep a single target knocked down, and therefore not a threat, pretty much indefinitely. You can also couple that adrenaline engine with a range of other adrenaline-fuelled skills for additional utility. Save Yourselves! is a good option for keeping your party alive, and if you need to fight a large enough group, you can mix in Whirlwind Attack and achieve similar results to Death Blossom builds by cycling Dragon Slash and Whirlwind Attack. Possibly with those flat damage boosts you're talking about - in fact, Whirlwind actually gets more from those damage boosts, since the hits from Whirlwind Attack are actual strikes while Death Blossom only inflicts actual strikes on the primary target and the other enemies hit just take the skill damage.


Mind you, I might be biased - I was playing around with the Dragon Slash-knockdown-Steelfang Slash chain before it was cool, primarily using Air Magic skills for knockdowns to fuel Steelfang before Brawling Headbutt entered the picture and really brought it all together.


Another one I found particularly satisfying was running R/Me, hitting a target in the middle of a group of casters with a Broadhead Arrow, then following up with an Epidemic to put a long-duration Daze on the entire group.


Mind you, I tended to think "How can I completely neuter the enemy" with most of my builds. There's a reason I tended to say that I thought like a mesmer even when I wasn't playing one. :P

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For Ha I loved playing Earth Shaker Hammer during the meta with heroes. Dunkoro smiting Jesus' beam and Gwen throwing rupts and weapons around. It was fun because you had to pay attention to your own playstyle, micro your heroes and still communicate with your teammates.


E: also any byob where I could play Cleave (Terrible skill). Most fun build I played "recently" in GvG was this byob hexway: http://static.gwcom.de/pawned/8dd8fb865a474f5b.jpg



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