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A special thanks and a couple questions!

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Firstly, I want to thank the devs who worked on both GW1 and GW2. You guys really made some of the best years of my life thus far. When I was 12 (about 2010), my dad and I were walking through Goodwill and he picked up this little game for the PC. It didn't seem like much, the case was no larger than a CD case and it had a knight on the front of it. The game code didn't work, so he bought one and got it running. Ended up, I would sit and watch him play, sometimes for hours. I was mesmerized by how fun it looked! Fast forward to my 13th birthday, he got me my own copy, and that is what started it all!


He passed away last year, but Guild Wars became something that we bonded over in a fantastic way. We'd be sitting at the dinner table discussing strategy when we encountered a hard mission or boss. I think that we would have never become as close as we did without Guild Wars. So thank you for that.


I have two questions about the game:


What were you guys' favorite in-game things to create (maps, weapons, skills, armor, quests, lore or whatever else)?


And were there ever plans to open other areas within the maps? (Isle of Janthir, Ebonhawk, The Mountains south of Kaineng) If so (or not) which areas do you think would be cool to see created in GW1?


Thanks so much, you guys are awesome!


~Ogel Etarip

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  • ArenaNet Staff

First off, my sincerest condolences on the passing of your father. I lost my dad last year as well - it makes me tear up to think that a game helped you bond with him like it did - it's stories like that which make me realize how fortunate I have been to have helped touch another person's life in such a way. To answer your questions:


My favorite thing to create in GW1 was the model for the Tomb of the Primeval Kings. It was my first really major prop, and I'm still really proud of it (there's a LOT of little details in the textures that, to this day, I don't think anyone's fully discovered).


I wasn't privy to many of the potential plans, but I'd always wanted to do the Isles of Janthir as an explorable zone. I'd also have loved to have seen us explore the areas east of Ascalon. I feel as though there's a whole other world over there that is very different from the Tyria we're all familiar with (that's *my* fiction at any rate).

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Thank you for your kind words.


The Isle of Janthir would have (or could be) an awesome setting for a story arc. According to lore, the inhabitants have the gift of true sight. They can see the intentions of others perfectly. Perhaps a story where the player is contacted by a mysterious person from the Isle, saying they need to come swiftly because a new evil is arising. Perhaps the inhabitants are rogue Mursaat that want to offer aid to humans rather than rule them. The story could go on for a while as the player makes their way there, perhaps going through an explorable area that covers the Delta north of Kryta, to catch a boat to the Isle where it is learned that a Mursaat overlord wants revenge for the death of his brothers and the White Mantle.


Also, the Tomb of Primeval Kings is absolutely beautiful and awesome so nice job!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I'm very sorry for your loss, as well. It's so hard to lose someone, especially a parent. I was very touched to read your story -- it means so much to know that you and your father shared many happy hours together because our game brought you together. Thank you for sharing that.


I didn't create anything in the game, so I can't really speak to that. Or... maybe I sorta did in an indirect way? Here's my story:


It was two days before the launch of Factions, which was launching on the one-year anniversary of Guild Wars (original). And the thought struck me, "Hey! We should do something nice to celebrate our first anniversary or our character's first birthday!" So I boldly walked up to Mike O'Brien's desk and told him I thought we should do _something_ to recognize the Mo-mentous -- see what I did there? ;) -- occasion. He looked at me for the longest time and I thought I had really goofed, because -- come on! -- it's two **days** before we launch a new campaign and there I was coming up with something extra! Just as I was about to say "Just kidding" and slink away, he calmly picked up a pencil and made a note and said "Maybe we can."


Mo took the idea and made it happen. He talked to Isaiah Cartwright, and they brainstormed the project to conceive of the anniversary/birthday miniatures. I believe that Mo and Izzy worked on implementation, and sure enough, when our birthdays came around, everyone was surprised and delighted by their special gift... and I believe remains pleased to this day. So while I can't claim "I did that!" but I can (sorta) say "I thought of doing that!" :dizzy:


Oh, and the Shamrock Ale on St. Patrick's Day? Boxes of Chocolates on Valentine's Day? Pumpkin Pie in the fall? John Hargrove created those in patient and kind response to my "Hey could we...?" requests. :D



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Thanks for sharing your story, it really does mean a lot to hear your fond memories of playing the game with family.


My favorite thing I've made would probably change by the day, but today I'll say the M.O.X. quests. At the time I was the sole content programmer for GW1 and it was the first big project for the GW1 live team. We got to make a bunch of different boss battles, and specifically I created most of the N.O.X. fight - it was one of the first times I had a lot of input on the design side and I had fun creating and coding the unique boss skills.


(I learned about the effectiveness of Daze after it shipped... Well, part of the fun is finding ways to hard-counter even the toughest opponents.)

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My condolences mate, sorry about your loss.

I noticed you mentioned Ebonhawke as a place to open up... But Ebonhawke is already in the game. You can visit it today just take the portal on Ruriktown in Divinity's Reach, and you'll be there.

It's a cool place too! I really like that town, especially the hidden musical instrument ^_^

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Thank you for sharing your story with everyone. It is never easy to lose a loved one, but I'm happy that what we do meant so much to you both. Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are more than just video games, they are playgrounds that brings communities and friends together in sometimes momentous and special ways.


My time on Guild Wars was mostly in facilitating the creativity in others and providing support to the teams that made really cool stories, experiences, art, skills and more. My proudest contribution to the lore was in the form of Keiran Thackeray. On a Thanksgiving road trip to visit family in Oregon I spent the entire ride building the character, writing notes about significant life events, feelings on social-political issues, friends, etc. It ended up being four or five pages that helped the team create the character for the initial Wintersday quests. Years later Robert Gee would dust off my original notes to build out the rest of Keiran's unit as part of the War in Kryta story line. It was a really cool feeling to know that in creating something small, other people would build upon that idea and turn it into something really special.


Oh yeah, also the Zenmai and Olias quest re-designs! It was the first chance that Colin gave me to design content for the game. And it all started with an "If you think you can do better, then give me a pitch" style challenges. Changed the direction of my career.


Most of the plans for new areas were tied to new campaigns, and once the studio moved to focus on Guild Wars 2, the Beyond team had to get creative with their use of new art. Most of the unused map locations were tied to the Utopia design, but ended up getting re-purposed for Eye of the North.

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Hey I wanna say thanks for everyone's responses and kind words!


I always find it fascinating to see how a lot of stuff came about, like the birthday presents and Thackery's story.


@"ReaverKane.7598" I was referencing the first game. Ebonhawke was technically founded as a military base of sorts in 1080AE, which is 10 years before the foefire (Which would be a VERY interesting storyline!)


@"Gaile Gray.6029" I love that! I always assumed Birthday presents and Holiday stuff was just something everyone had already thought of. Comforting to know yall did that like I finish papers for school! (In College for Game Development, maybe I can join you all one day!)


@"Joe Kimmes.1357" The M.O.X. quests are super fun! Quite a brilliant line, really.


You all did a wonderful job on the game and I hope to be playing it for many, many years to come. Thank you, again!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Thank you for the kind word, Ogel. Yeah, the addition of the birthday presents was so last-minute-ish, I was really quite surprised when it made it into the game. Mo didn't say much to me after our conversation, and I didn't bring it up again in those two days, but it made me do a happy dance when I discovered the devs had added them.


But ~adopts serious voice~ you shouldn't be last minute on important school stuff! :)


When you're done with school, keep your eye on the Arena.Net website -- we are always looking for talented people!

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> @"Ogel Etarip.8139" said:

> Hey I wanna say thanks for everyone's responses and kind words!


> I always find it fascinating to see how a lot of stuff came about, like the birthday presents and Thackery's story.


> @"ReaverKane.7598" I was referencing the first game. Ebonhawke was technically founded as a military base of sorts in 1080AE, which is 10 years before the foefire (Which would be a VERY interesting storyline!)


Yes, i know, and it's still very much that in the new story-line. It's just not as intense in the current map's time-line due to the peace talks that came to be thanks to the efforts of one Dougal Keane in the prequel to GW2 Ghosts of Ascalon. But it's still that same fort, and guarded by a ton of Ebonguard. Also, if you check the graveyard, you'll get to read on about the fates of a few of GW1's characters.


> @"Gaile Gray.6029" I love that! I always assumed Birthday presents and Holiday stuff was just something everyone had already thought of. Comforting to know yall did that like I finish papers for school! (In College for Game Development, maybe I can join you all one day!)


> @"Joe Kimmes.1357" The M.O.X. quests are super fun! Quite a brilliant line, really.


> You all did a wonderful job on the game and I hope to be playing it for many, many years to come. Thank you, again!


Correct! M.O.X is awesome (although i haven't done all the quests yet - i bought the first game a few years ago, but playing it alone with rubberband lag isn't that fun).

And i think Gaile's tale shows a lot of humility, Birthdays are one of the most unique and caring gestures that GW features as a franchise. And coming up with that concept, even if she took no part in the execution, is still something amazing, and it just shows us how much Gaile is a special kind of person!

We should all be thankful she's on Arena Net's team.


> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Thank you for the kind word, Ogel. Yeah, the addition of the birthday presents was so last-minute-ish, I was really quite surprised when it made it into the game. Mo didn't say much to me after our conversation, and I didn't bring it up again in those two days, but it made me do a happy dance when I discovered the devs had added them.


> But ~adopts serious voice~ you shouldn't be last minute on important school stuff! :)


> When you're done with school, keep your eye on the Arena.Net website -- we are always looking for talented people!


Aw Come on Gaile, last minute inspiration rarely fails, some of my best work was done on last notice ^_^

But you're right, just because, that bit of extra stress might push you onto greater levels, it doesn't mean one should slack off.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Condolences on the loss of your dad, Ogel. My son is about your age and he used to come visit the office and playtest parts of Guild Wars with me while we were developing it.


My favorite part of map-building for Guild Wars was setting up little bits of environmental storytelling through set-dressing: placing little props around in a Canthan island village or a remote Elonian desert settlement, and thinking about the lives of the people who might live there. I also really liked blending environments, making the transitions between snowfields to meadows or between beach sand and jungle—that was much harder to do with our GW map creation tools, though.


This never got close to production, but Daniel had an amazing concept for a city in our shelved Utopia campaign that would shift around like clock gears. I would have liked to see how or if that could have been pulled off in our old engine.

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