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So... about Fractal

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> @"Krugash.4920" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > As others have said.. Nothing will make Old Content New Again.

> >

> > My idea would add a level of challenge that would make it so that each time someone enters a Fractal, they have no idea if they will legitimately be able to complete it.. and that is the goal of making challenging content, that **Victory is Not Assured**.

> >

> > As such, making a lot of Instabilities, that when combined could make completion near impossible for all but the best players would provide that risk. Anyone that does not want to face that kind of risk, simply put, is not looking for a challenge, they are looking for a grind.

> >

> > And Grinds by their very nature are Boring.

> > Adding more Static Fractals = grind.

> > Tuning Instabilities to Fractals so they are predictable = Grind.

> >

> > Creating a Bunch of Instabilities that could wreck havoc on the ability to complete a run = challenge.


> I understand your point, but you're completly out of context. Fractal **IS** a daily grind. That's how it's designed. You can tell by the daily rewards, the items you can purchase, the mist attunements etc. Even if they come up with a tribulation mode for some maps with an RNGesus fiesta system like the one you suggest, they'll never change the core design of Fractals. Personally, I dislike RNG and uninteractive design in any game, so if you are trying to say that the luck should decide the outcome of a XX minutes instance, then I'm on the completely opposite side. The whole speed clearing idea is based on grinding an instance until you can mix max everything with some patience and practice, but it requires telegraphed and interactive mechanics.


> Thing is, we also have to be pragmatic here. They don't have infinite resources, so I'd rather see them used to deliver new maps with fresh and proper mechanics more frequently, than wasting time trying to balance a random instabilities fiesta that will compromise future maps design and releases and will never make old maps feel less stale. That's why I'd like to see this system go and the existing instabilities used surgically on specific fights/phases.



Not being mean here, but face facts, If all anyone wants is an easy grind and speed clears, there is no need for new maps, or anything else really, as anything they make will become a boring grind content in short order, so that is a futile waste of time. In fact if all anyone wants is a predictable grinds,. they may as well remove the Tiers and the Instabilities, homogenize everything to T1, and call the content done.


But, Fractals are Supposed to Offer a Challenge, at the Higher Tiers, in fact, doing T4 should be a risk and reserved for all but the best players, and that means, putting in a means to make sure that the end result is not predictable, and that comes from Randomness, otherwise, we may as well just have a big red button we push and get rewards.


So, putting in many instabilities, some which might have crippling and even downright obliterating combos, would in fact put challenge into the content. As for balancing them.. meh.. maybe.. maybe not.. sometimes leaving in some brutal combos to see how players react is really where they separate the wheat from the chaff.


But I guess, when people cry for challenge.. the truth is.. that is not what they really what.. Humm so.. what do they really want then?

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I personally enjoy the instabilities. The random one is pretty cool, and I like that my reaper actually gets to utilize boon stripping. The aspect I really like is that they make you stop and swap a couple things around to compensate instead of running with the fotm min-maxed build that face rolls all content.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> >and you just want scripted predictable, grind level encounters


> It's funny because that's exactly what raids are, aka challenging.


Raids have already fallen into being reliable and easy grind content for those with static groups. Ergo offering little to no challenge to those players. Raids only pose a challenge for people trying to PuG them, and then, the largest challenge being the other players having the right meta builds, knowing the scripted encounter, getting the correct squad makeup.


In fact, Raids are so easy to those that have static groups, they can even sell clears.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > >and you just want scripted predictable, grind level encounters

> >

> > It's funny because that's exactly what raids are, aka challenging.


> Raids have already fallen into being reliable and easy grind content for those with static groups. Ergo offering little to no challenge to those players. Raids only pose a challenge for people trying to PuG them, and then, the largest challenge being the other players having the right meta builds, knowing the scripted encounter, getting the correct squad makeup.


> In fact, Raids are so easy to those that have static groups, they can even sell clears.


And since fractals are not intented to be above raid experience in gw2 (outside of CMs which are meant only to meet raid difficulty), I don't know why you expect anything to change in the matter.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Not being mean here, but face facts, If all anyone wants is an easy grind and speed clears, there is no need for new maps, or anything else really, as anything they make will become a boring grind content in short order, so that is a futile waste of time. In fact if all anyone wants is a predictable grinds,. they may as well remove the Tiers and the Instabilities, homogenize everything to T1, and call the content done.


You're not mean, you just don't get the point. Everytime someone criticize something on this forum, the average assumption is that said player has to git gud and L2P, because if he/she doesn't like the current random garbage he's probably some tier 1 scrub. By the record: with _speed clears_ I mean people actually working on records on maps. So if anyone with a record of 9:xx minutes on 100cm would come and say: "this random system is crap" are you going on with the mantra and tell them to gid gud and L2P aswell? Cause I'm pretty sure some of the most skilled players of GW2 share the opinion that the current state of Fractal isn't fun.


Anet wanted and designed Fractals to be a daily grind. Look at infusions, mist attunements, titles and in general the way you collect _anything_ from Fractals. The grind wasn't caused by the playerbase approach to the content, it's part of its core design. We can only come here and share with them our opinion about what they release.


> But, Fractals are Supposed to Offer a Challenge, at the Higher Tiers, in fact, doing T4 should be a risk and reserved for all but the best players, and that means, putting in a means to make sure that the end result is not predictable, and that comes from Randomness, otherwise, we may as well just have a big red button we push and get rewards.


> So, putting in many instabilities, some which might have crippling and even downright obliterating combos, would in fact put challenge into the content. As for balancing them.. meh.. maybe.. maybe not.. sometimes leaving in some brutal combos to see how players react is really where they separate the wheat from the chaff.


> But I guess, when people cry for challenge.. the truth is.. that is not what they really what.. Humm so.. what do they really want then?


For some people T4 are too hard, while some other solo 100cm. It's not my job to understand and decide where the average skill level should be. I can tell you something tho: a game where you can die and waste time/resources/progression just because of RNG it's a shitty designed game. You want the challenge: you can make it high APM demanding, incredibly fast paced, raise the coordination needed between the party members, but there should never be an unavoidable losing option based on RNG alone. As for the last statement I can send it back like this: if you think the actual random instabilities system _is the challenge_, then we probably have irreconcilable opinions.

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