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Which GW1 region do you most want to see in GW2's engine?

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I'm thinking about aesthetics, specifically, not lore or gameplay. Though it might be controversial, I would pick **Kaineng City**.


One of the biggest changes from GW1 to GW2 is the new game's ability implement _verticality_. I just think it would be awesome to travel from roof to roof among giant structures, across this sprawling megacity that stretches to the horizon, while looking down towards to undercity deep bellow. Or working your way up from the cavernous sewers, for what seems like forever, until you finally reach sunlight. Imagine Draconis Mons type heights. It would be both intimidating and epic to explore. Plus flying a griffin between skyscrapers and under bridges would be fun.


Though the GW1 Kaineng was cool, if a little confusing, I think GW2's engine could really do the original concept art justice: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kaineng_City


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I'd love to see the Echowald Forest.


But please Anet for the love of God don't give it the Elona treatment where you destroy the entire region and infest it with undead and you make a dragon corrupt what's left of it just for good measure..


I want to see the Echowald, not Echowald post-apocalypse with the generic GW2 villain mobs (undead and dragon corrupted).

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I would say: The whole of the Fire Island chain. All the volcanoes and lave would render wonderfully on the improved game engine. Ember bay was a great start but the leylines and visual clutter in the sky bothered me a but aesthetically. I hope to explore the other maps here and I'm quite sure we'll ultimately see all of them returned.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> I'd love to see the Echowald Forest.


> But please Anet for the love of God don't give it the Elona treatment where you destroy the entire region and infest it with undead and you make a dragon corrupt what's left of it just for good measure..


> I want to see the Echowald, not Echowald post-apocalypse with the generic GW2 villain mobs (undead and dragon corrupted).


I second this. It was such a let down seeing Vabbi overrun by Joko's goons.

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I'd chime in with others and say Echovald and Jade Sea. I'd love to see how the land and sea are recovering from the fading magic of the Jade Wind. The Echvald was so fascinating, with the houses built right into those huge trees. Hmm. I think it's time to revisit, & hop on GW!

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I absolutely hated Kaineng City, but your description of how it could look in the GW2 engine actually has me interested now. I think that would be quite amazing with the right amount of effort, despite the fact it would probably be worse than Tangled Depths. That map truly felt huge, and I'd love to see something like it for Kaineng.


Personally, I'd love to see what GW2 could do with places like the realm of torment. How Guild Wars' version of hell was portrayed was very convincing, and generally a pleasure to explore (I guess I'll have to commit heinous crimes for the best afterlife now). I'd love to see how they could expand upon that original creativity using a new engine. That might be hard to ask for though, as I expect Kormir may have ruined it (I forget if she was building her realm just in the domain of anguish, or throughout the entire dimension).

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Id love to see the complete Underworld becoming again explorable, as multiple maps.. not such raid nonsense.

The underworld as several normal explorable PvE maps as part of maybe the Living World leading us there over the course of gettign to the seasons finale, where we get once and for all forever rid of Palawa Joko there.


And we would enter it from Destinies.. Reach, due to an LW event totally destroying DR... and after it getting rebuild, the new town version has then an entry portal to the Underworld

Something to happen, like this would I like to see, to show, that there still can old maps get changed and that the idea of dynamic events changing maps hasn#t died off totally over the course of the expansions getting added and sesasons adding constantly only new maps, instead of doing also changes to older maps like the first season did.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> I'd love to see the Echowald Forest.


> But please Anet for the love of God don't give it the Elona treatment where you destroy the entire region and infest it with undead and you make a dragon corrupt what's left of it just for good measure..


> I want to see the Echowald, not Echowald post-apocalypse with the generic GW2 villain mobs (undead and dragon corrupted).


I'd love to see the Jade Sea myself, but I get what you're saying, I too found it really sad that Vabbi, basically the coolest area in GW1 was overrun by undead and branded. Vabbi was a pretty neat society with great architecture in GW1, in GW2 it's in Shambles, Kodash Bazaar in ruins and half branded, and I'm sure some of my favorite areas like the Hall of Chokhin where Prince Mehtu's library was, are completely destroyed. My eyes about popped the first time I saw Abadashim as well, and I'm sure that's nothing but branded now too.

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