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Occasional crash of game and archive data repair

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Hello. I dont know what causes the issue. Just from time to time this happens when i play. A game switches briefly to black screen and then returns to standard way it was before. Only problem is that everything is glitched in place as if i had lag. But i dont i see ppl moving i can write into chat i get rewards etc. just everything in world is frozen. I can see for examlpe orange shield that marks person which needs to be protected in quesst moving forward but nothing under it. Also i dont hear any sound only background effects of enviroment. It happened couple of times nad when i just want to turn it off with ctrl+alt+del as non responding programe Windows throws window saying Program stopped working and i have to press End program cuz there is no other option. This also turns off the report a bug window i can see behind so i am posting it here. Then when i turn on the game a window saying GW2 has crashed lately do you wish to repari archive (or something like that) appears and i press yes so the game reparis . But as the repair runs it crashes as well smowhere at 30% and i have to end it as well. It wont show next time i turn on the game. I rly dont know what does this mean. The game works normally for me all the time but this happens from time to time and i dont know what to do about it.

Ty for any response

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What you are describing first sounds like a GPU crash, with some amount of recovery being done by the driver. It isn't clear if the "repair (y/n)" prompt is simply anet guessing, or is triggered by actual corruption, but the crash at 30 percent suggests data corruption is being encountered from somewhere...


So. I'd suggest you start with the most obvious and significant issue, which is that your graphics driver and hardware stack is crashing out. Check to ensure that the power supply is adequate and working, that it isn't overheating, and that if it is overclocked, you back that down again. See if you can get that stable.


(You can probably confirm this by checking the Windows event viewer, into which a record of the crash/recovery should be entered by the GPU driver.)


Without knowing what the cause of that problem is, I can't do much but speculate on the crash during repair: it could be some corruption in the gw2.dat file, or it could be that memory corruption, or CPU overclocking, or bad power supply to the CPU, lead to the crash. So, leave that for second, and eliminate what we can be pretty confident is a real problem first.

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