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Where does it hurt?

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I'd like to hear from you what was the nerf/update that hurt most?


Some contestants:


- Nerf to Soul Reaping

- 10 minion cap ( it was needed in PvP tho)

- Improvements in the AI code made monsters scramble from AoE (this killed the Echo Nuke meta, but affected other builds as well)

- Changing griffons to scarabs and killing that farm for good



Speaking for myself, the monsters running from AoE and minion cap were real killjoys

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Phoenix. It was disguised as a supposed buff the last developer update, but it just killed the skill. With clever positioning (read: being in the face of mobs), I could hit both explosions to the same creature, for some nice damage (150 at level 10). It was the backbone of my W/E when I had to level without henchies and only a ranger friend to help me out. It+Inferno was my go-to way to play warrior.



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