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Suggestion for Renegade: Spirits can be CCed but not killed

Kain Francois.4328

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Just a thought that may improve Renegade Spirits.


They should be able to be CCed, but not killed.


Since being CCed is already technically a death sentence for them (due to casting times and duration), that counterplay seems strong enough.


On the other hand, if they mitigate damage, they can have more use in WvW and PvP. Among their uses, this will open up a smart opportunity for them to absorb projectiles.

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could give them a breakbar that when broken kills them, that way they can be invulnerable and still be effected by soft cc skills as well as hard cc's . this gives them great survivability in pve, better for pvp/wvw since would need waste a powerful cc to disable them instead of passive death by aoe damage. also would stop them getting interrupted by a small aoe daze that sum skills have.

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