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Are bots worth reporting?

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Found a player who was obviously botting, or at least using some sort of macro routine. It had obviously broken though, guy was running into a wall, while trying to use skills, abilities, and command his pet.


I recorded a minute or so, until I got bored and left him with his face smashed into the wall, still running, jumping back, using abilities, etc.


Funny thing is he was 192 Mastery. Cant imagine why someone would risk a high level account like that. I almost feel bad.


Is this kind of thing worth reporting?

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Just because he has 192 Mastery doesn’t mean he wasn’t hacked and his hacked account was being used to bot.


Yes it’s worth reporting bots. No only do they affect the economy but a game with noticeable numbers of bots encourages other people to bot instead of play. Those people, and people who don’t like to see bots, often stop playing and move on to other games where there is less cheating.

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> @"kileran.1485" said:

> Found a player who was obviously botting, or at least using some sort of macro routine. It had obviously broken though, guy was running into a wall, while trying to use skills, abilities, and command his pet.


> Is this kind of thing worth reporting?


Yes. Use the in-game report option, don't bother with video or whatever, let ANet know. They will investigate and take the appropriate action (including none, if you are mistaken.)

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Reporting works. About 1½ year ago I went afk in a (seemingly) safe area with my necro (pets and all) to cook diner. Returned 40 mins later and had landed a 3-day ban. I doubt that would have happened without a report.

At the time I was considering if I wanted to keep playing GW2. The 3-day ban sort of made that decision easy. Logged on twice since, to give away stuff and thats it. GW2 is a fine game - Not the one I wanted but my ban made it a lot easier to just walk away. (Still pops in to follow the forums but doubt the game will ever evolve the way I'd like.)

Bottom line: Don't feel bad for reporting "bots" - Even when you report someone who is not "botting", you might end up doing them a favor :)

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> @"needbeer.1687" said:

> reporting does nothing. dont waste your time. every day in WvW at least 300 people in NA alone get reported. often times by 20+ people. anet does nothing about it.so dont bother.


Perhaps those people mass-reporting someone are not actually creating valid reports, because their target is not, in fact, doing anything wrong?


Both explanations would explain the observed facts, but stories like @"Halandir.3609" above, and the complaints after the mass ban, all confirm that people are actually banned from the game. Something that, I believe, in your theory would never happen, no?

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