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Sunken Chest Bug [MERGED]

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I have completed the Sunken Treasure Hunter Achievement on all three of my accounts but naturally I want to continue opening the chests for the +10 swim speed infusions. At first everything seemed fine but now on two accounts I can no longer open the Sunken Chests in either Bloodtide Coast or Snowden Drifts.


It started in Bloodtide Coast, where first one then a second account started to receive the message "You are unable to open the chest". In each case the charactger did have the correct key in inventory and was able to open a Sunken Chest on another map, Snowden Drifts, immediately afterwards.


A couple of days later the same issue arose with the chest in Snowden Drifts, my new preferred chest, on the same two accounts. Both accounts are now using the chest in Harathi Highlands which, so far still works normally. I have gone back to try the Bloodtide Coast and Snowden Drifts chests on different days and they are still unopenable.


In both cases my characters had to fight a number of Krait Treasure Seekers that were already present at the chests when I got there. Not sure if that is a material fact.


The third account has so far had no problems at all. All accounts are played on the same computer using identical settings and I usually do all three dailies within an hour of each other. My concern, other than the general irritation of not being able to use specific chests, is that if this continues I will eventually not be able to open any chests at all on those two accounts and possibly later on all three.

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Ah, thanks for the explanation. I did google quite extensively before posting here but I hadn't been able to find any mention of the problem. I imagine that would quickly become obvious if you only played one account. Doing it on three, I had opened the same chest two or three times in a row, but on different accounts and I hadn't kept a mental note of who was doing which ones. it tended to be which map happened to be nearest to which character I happened to log in first!


I'll go back to going round them all in turn.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Perhaps, after finishing the 'achievement' and possible APs, you can. Doubtful, but maybe.


You can't, I finished the achievement once, and I can guarantee it doesn't work, you have to go through all locations again and again...

Edit: oh, you meant all 50 achis...mmh I doubt too but who knows.

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Well, yesterday was after the Friday night reset (US Central time), and then today's was after the next reset (Saturday night). So, no reason I know of that the chests shouldn't reset (as I was able to get another key with the Sunken Chest Daily) but I'll try again tomorrow.

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Two full days since I completed Master Diver for the second time. I just tried half the chests, and they're all unavailable. I'm at 0/10 for Master Diver and have 2 keys, both from the daily chest). I don't feel like wasting my time visiting the other 5 right now, but I might later. I used a character that hasn't opened any chests yet, by the way, so whatever is going on, it seems to be account-wide.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> You’re aware there’s now a ‘cast time’ unlocking the chests? So you’ve got to stay still and not get attacked while unlocking them.


I'd like to know the reason behind this, there was no need of a cast time and noone asked for it, so why did they introduce it?

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Confirmed partially for me as well. Completed "Master Diver" my second time yesterday.

It appears that chests I opened in the later parts of previous cycle are not yet reset, but the ones I did at the beginning of the previous cycle are. I specifically looked at the the latest 4 I opened (none are interactable) and the first 3 (which are all interactable).


Note that as explained in the first post, in the noted instances, it is not possible to interact with the chest at all. Visually it is already open.

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I completed a round a couple of days ago. Today, before dailies reset, I opened the chest in Bloodtide Coast. Well after reset, I went to Kessex Hills and the chest there appears already opened. Can we only open one chest a day? And do they have a different reset time than the dailies?


edited to add- when I did the previous round, I was able to open several chests (all in different locations) in one day. So I assume we are supposed to be able to open more than one a day provided we have the keys.

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I am on my third roation through the sunken chests.

I opened the Timberline chest on Saturday, The Mt Maelstrom yesterday (all looked OK and opend OK, registering the attempt on the list)

Today, the Kessex chest "was open visually" and I could not interact with it. The Gendarran Fields chest was OK and I could open it.

Perhaps it is just a few chests that are not resetting?



The Kessex, Blazeridge & Frostgorge chests are not working. I am currently stuck at 7/10 in my 3rd turn.

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This bug has been here since the cast time was added to the opening of sunken chests. I am at the point where all the sunken chests that exist show open for me and not interactable, so I guess I just sit on the keys and wait for the fix. I, too, was hoping the chests would reset after some time, but no chest has reset for me since the 22 May patch.

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