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Sunken Chest Bug [MERGED]

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Stuck at 9/10 on third rotation, should be able to open Mt Maelstrom but all ten chests are already showing open, can't interact with any of them. Changing toons doesn't help. I guess just keep collecting keys till bug is fixed . . ?

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Stuck in round 3 (for three days now) as are many. Chests show as "opened" and are not intractable even after dutifully slaying Vets assorted underwater vermin nearby. Chest bugged for me: Snowden (which I opened early in round 2) , Lornar's, Timberline and Mount Maelstom )all of which i did later in round 2.

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There's a bug that prevents progress, lots of ppl are stuck atm. You can collect keys but can't open any chests. There's a thread about it in the bug forum [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41528/sunken-chests-not-resetting#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41528/sunken-chests-not-resetting#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41528/sunken-chests-not-resetting#latest")

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> There's a bug that prevents progress, lots of ppl are stuck atm. You can collect keys but can't open any chests. There's a thread about it in the bug forum [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41528/sunken-chests-not-resetting#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41528/sunken-chests-not-resetting#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41528/sunken-chests-not-resetting#latest")


Thanks for the information!

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Started to happen for me today aswell. All chests are in the "open" state and cannot be interacted with.

I remember dicking around _trying_ to open chests yesterday without a key (seeing the "progress" indicator appear and thinking I could open them without a key, but just to get a "You are unable to open the chest" message). Of course it didn't work. After I got the key, I could open the chest yesterday, but from today on they are all bugged.

I didn't try fully opening chests without a key any day before. Maybe that's where things bug out?

At least it seems like I can still collect new keys from killing krait daily, so I don't bother much.

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so on third time doing the chests i have also noticed snowden drifts and timberlandfalls are open and havnt reset , the longer it takes to fix while we all wait for it to fix can you do us all a big favour , lower the amount for the breather skin , so that all these time locked days we have missed because of a bug that it will take even longer to reach the BUBBLE HEAD SKIN , can we not make the skin exotic also for a lower price , we have had mouth breathers from bitter frost for over a year now and time locking a better skin to an ascended that most who venture in to the water will allready have seems kinda mean to lock us behind days n days on 10chest dailys that are bugged PLEASE of PLEASE re think the amounts needed for the BUBBLE HEAD now as this is bugged and its sad , i like swimming in the game but i dont like bugs that block content for months PLS FIX n pirces tyty PS release EP3 season 4 allready :P

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I submitted a ticket and got the following reply:


We are sorry you are having this issue as many other players have been since the last update. The main issue at the moment appears to be the chest not resetting/being able to interact with. We wish there was something we can do, but at the time all we can do is investigate the issue at hand and let the appropriate team know. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we really do appreciate the feedback as this will help the Devs figure out what the cause may be. Perhaps the casting time that was added in the last update? Again, does not explain why the chest aren't resetting. However, you should keep your eyes peeled on the forums for the fix or any news from Anet.


So now we wait, keep our eyes peeled on the forums for the fix and keep collecting keys in the mean time...


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> @"Eragon Carnesir.2479" said:

> Someone has already answered correctly on page 2 or 3? After i followed it I found it to be correct. Each chest has a 10 day cool down. So just make sure to do your rounds according to the map rotation you did the first round and it will all be good.


That's not correct tho. I'm on the third round which is now bugged for me. For each previous round, I followed the exact order of the repeatable achievement - so each chest for me is by default 10 days apart. And they're not opening. And as above, my issue began with chest 27.

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I did them all in order and the first and second time worked perfectly. Now some of the chests are bugged out and appear to be already open even though it says I haven't opened those chests yet...I really hope they do something about this soon cause they seriously just put this event in the game and now its bugged so soon and I haven't heard a word from them about this or if they plan to do anything. I filled out a bug ticket in the game as well as some of my guildies who are going through the same thing. I hope they respond and let us know they will be fixing it soon or just fix it even, that would be awesome. =)

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I just got hit with this today myself. I do them in order each day, and have Timberline and Maelstrom left to do for this round. I couldn't interact with either, even after I got the key. They both appeared opened. I did not have the problem the day before, or any day leading up to this. I don't know off hand what 'round' I'm in, but can still get AP points for it.

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> @"Fleabite.7528" said:

> > @"Eragon Carnesir.2479" said:

> > Someone has already answered correctly on page 2 or 3? After i followed it I found it to be correct. Each chest has a 10 day cool down. So just make sure to do your rounds according to the map rotation you did the first round and it will all be good.


> That's not correct tho. I'm on the third round which is now bugged for me. For each previous round, I followed the exact order of the repeatable achievement - so each chest for me is by default 10 days apart. And they're not opening. And as above, my issue began with chest 27.


This is interesting! I logged back in to check, and I too have completed 27 chests. The problem started for me now that I need my 28th. I need 2 more to complete round 3.


Maybe it's DR! We need to go open some other types of chests before we come back to work on 27 more! :lol:

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Also stuck at 7/10 of my 3rd round.

Is anet even looking at this? Why did anet even fiddle around at it in the first place (cuz that's obviously the reason it broke)? Do we really need to start tagging every anet dev (no matter if they are responsible) just to get anyone to respond.

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