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Sunken Chest Bug [MERGED]

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I am on my second iteration of the Master Diver Achievement. I have been 9/10 for 3 days, and on the MD achievement it shows that the Timberline Falls chest is the one i am missing. All ten of the chests listed in the Sunken Treasure Hunter achievement show completed. I have only gotten 1 drop key, so it may be that when you use drop keys, they are not registering in the MD achieve as completed. Also noteworthy (IMHO) is the fact that being so close to completion I would expect the MD achieve to show up in my summary page for achievements as being nearly completed, but it does not. It is as though one side of the game thinks I have completed the event, but the other side thinks I need one more to finish. I am in the group that sees an open chest that I cannot interact with in the location I need.

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Just finished my second round yesterday and went to start on the third and the three chests I checked were all open already. I didn't see any point in wasting my time going to the other seven.


The achievement appears normal in my Hero Panel, but no dice.


I guess the good thing is we can keep collecting keys and when it's fixed, there's nothing keeping us from opening as many chests as we have keys for. That's some, maybe small, consolation.



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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > Just to repeat what was said above: ANet support have confirmed the bug is known, and a fix is being worked on.

> >

> > However, an ANET dev hasn't popped in to say the same thing. I think that's why folks are still posting on it. Until we, as a group, hear it from the actual devs we reserve the right to post about it. And then even after.


> Sure. You can do anything you please, once you have this information. Enjoy. Won't, of course, make a lick of difference, and like most bugs, you won't actually *get* a developer response, but hey, you do you.


It is nice to hear from a random person in this topic that ArenaNet support has confirmed that the bug is known. It would be nicer if that support person had asked Gaile to react to this topic so we have a post from a ArenaNet employee with a ArenaNet logo next to it. I have no reason not to believe you, but I would really like that the communication between ArenaNet and me as a player doesn't go through a random other player. I don't expect ArenaNet to react to every bug report, but they better react if the posts of that bug clutter the first page of the bug forum, even more if they know it is a bug. It would also stop nonsense like "I posted the solution on page 2, it is on a 10 day cool down, you just have to wait" that has been refuted by many posts.


That said, I don't expect a reaction during the weekend. I hope we will see a reaction on Monday after Gaile had the time to consult her colleagues. If there is no known ETA for a fix just an acknowledgement of the bug would help a lot.

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Quoting myself here ...


One thing I just> @"Kraggy.4169" said:

> Oddly, although this thread was created on 27 May this bug has only just hit me today, I run this much the same time every day so daily reset would have happened before today's attempt.


> More oddly, the daily 'kill 10 krait' DID reset as I was able to get another one, so it's a problem with the chest alone.


> I'm currently 8/10 on my 4th set.


Again, no chest today .. but I did get another key ftom 10 krait next to the chest, so I now have 2 of them .. but I just noted I have exactly 100 +10s in my inventory, wonder if there's some cap at 100 which is preventing chest spawns for me?

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This didn't work for me, BUT I have a guildie who said she was bugged and she went back to the LA npc and went back through the dialogue about the chests and it reset them for her. Again, this didn't work for me but with so many ppl experiencing the problem it seemed worth mentioning if it might help some ppl . . .

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> @"Eragon Carnesir.2479" said:

> Someone has already answered correctly on page 2 or 3? After i followed it I found it to be correct. Each chest has a 10 day cool down. So just make sure to do your rounds according to the map rotation you did the first round and it will all be good.


Wrong. I did my chests 12 days from now and they still are opened. It's a bug, not customer fault.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Player.9621" said:

> > > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > I think you can only re-open a chest if you've started a new cycle of the master diver achievement.

> >

> > I thought this too at first but then I completed a cycle and I couldnt open any more anywhere.

> > Pretty sure its proper bugged now


> It is indeed buggy. In another thread someone posted their response from ANet support, who said that the developers are aware of the issue, and are working out how to fix it at the moment.


Ugh why has A-net not posted on any of the forums? So I need to put in a ticket to be an official response and not second hand (we know about the issue but we are still going to make you wait 3 weeks) respon??


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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> I think you can only re-open a chest if you've started a new cycle of the master diver achievement.


If this it true then its bugged, I completed a cycle and went the following day to start it fresh and there was 7 of the 10 I could not open/interact with.

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On third round as well, checked achievement again to verify which ones should be available, all of the chests that should have been available were not...

I ended up checking all of the chests twice, NONE were available, all showed already open. Went to Herathi 3rd time to get screenshot for in-game report showing the open chest in the middle and the hero screen with the master diver achievement open to show Herathi chest had not been opened this round.

I have been having issue intermittently but was always able to find one that would open until today.


(I did try visiting the LA npc before 2nd round, made no difference.)

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > I think you can only re-open a chest if you've started a new cycle of the master diver achievement.


> If this it true then its bugged, I completed a cycle and went the following day to start it fresh and there was 7 of the 10 I could not open/interact with.

That's the feature described by the people posting after me. Haven't encountered it myself so far. Please be aware that there are no bugs in this game, only features.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > I think you can only re-open a chest if you've started a new cycle of the master diver achievement.

> >

> > If this it true then its bugged, I completed a cycle and went the following day to start it fresh and there was 7 of the 10 I could not open/interact with.

> That's the feature described by the people posting after me. Haven't encountered it myself so far. Please be aware that there are no bugs in this game, only features.


Lol do I detect some sarcasm here?

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> From the bug report thread, it sounds like almost everyone gets stalled partway through their third run of the achievement.


I'm guessing it's actually "chests don't reset after the 22 May patch", and of course for anyone with a daily routine (one per day) who started when the chests were first released, that means "partway through the third cycle". The mythical keys that "drop from mobs"(1) would accelerate that, of course.


(1) Sorry, but until it actually happens on one of my characters, I'm going to treat it as a myth.

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I reported this bug via ticket and got official reply that the issue have been since the last update. There is nothing they can do atm but they are investigating and the appriopriate team already working on the solution and we should keep our eyes peeled on the forums for the fix or any news from them.

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well, sure there is something they could do about it. They could have reverted the change that caused this bug. We now what that change war: making opening the chests interruptible.


THAT would be the right thing to do. Revert it, fix it, then reintroduce it.


Sadly, knowing anet, this bug will be with us for the next 4 weeks. Because it does not affect gemstore items.

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> @"atheria.2837" said:

> > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > I haven't logged in in 3 days and yet all the chests are stuck in open positions. :/

> > All?

> > Double check your Achievement list - you have to finish all chests on the list before the list resets.

Look in the bug section it's an official bug, and yes I'm done I even have the title. :p


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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > > > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > > I think you can only re-open a chest if you've started a new cycle of the master diver achievement.

> > >

> > > If this it true then its bugged, I completed a cycle and went the following day to start it fresh and there was 7 of the 10 I could not open/interact with.

> > That's the feature described by the people posting after me. Haven't encountered it myself so far. Please be aware that there are no bugs in this game, only features.


> Lol do I detect some sarcasm here?


Nah, that'd be conspiracy theory, there.

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