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Movement Slow In Combat

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Why does this the movement slow while in combat exist? Should it exist? I remember people saying it was to prevent players from cheesing dungeons (which they still did). However, with the way the game is now and with dungeons entirely irrelevant I feel like it's an unnecessary limiter on what is otherwise satisfyingly fast and fluid combat.

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Wrong perspective. Anet isn't going to change in-combat movement speed as that has all sorts of implications for balance. It's more that you get a speed boost when out of combat, just like masteries give you a speed boost for being in a city. If you feel that differing speeds is problematic, the only real solution is to make you slow everywhere.

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To clarify, I do not run dungeons and it's not the reason I would want the combat slow removed. I just feel that the movement slow is something that was added for something that is no longer an issue and therefore no longer has a place in the game. It needlessly slows the pace of combat and is more of an annoyance then serving a necessary function. I can understand if it's needed for balance in pvp but then it still doesn't explain why its in pve.

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Your history here is backwards. How fast you move in combat was the original movement speed for the entire game. It was only changed to increase out of combat after people complained that it took too long to move about in the overworld.


This speed was chosen for PVP balance. Having everybody dart around spastically is bad from a PVP perspective, since it renders positioning and AoE effects meaningless. You want to be able to reliably chasing your enemies with melee weapons, as well as hit them with AoE attacks, and that can't be done if everybody is moving too fast.

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