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[EU][PvE][Syu] Sureiyaazu is recruiting! Great way to find your raid / fractal team!


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**[syu] Sureiyaazu is recruiting!**


**Who are we?**

We are a guild that existed since launch of Guild Wars 2, formed by a few friends. We used to do stuff together regularly. We are a chilled community with not many rules and with idea to provide relaxed and friendly environment for our members.


Primarily we're looking for new potential raiders / fractalers of all roles / classes, but any and all are welcome to inquire about joining. We are a Semi-Casual Heroic raiding guild, meaning we take a focused but friendly approach to PvE. We place lesser significance on “initial” player skill, instead choosing to focus on attaining members who possess a solid team-based attitude. We want our members to have fun and enjoy the game. We also don’t support any sort of elitism.


**What do we have to offer?**

We manage the guild mainly through our well-organized discord server. Each member of the guild, regardless of rank and experience in the game, will find there a lot of useful things, such as different types of guides (achievements, class builds, raid bosses etc.), raid manager for our raid groups, active lfg tool for fractals and dungeons.


Raid and Fractal runs on daily basis, including challenge modes. Syu Raid Training section is open for everyone who would like to get into raids. Our Rank system allows more experienced players to progress as a Raider and even become one of our Raid Commanders.


**How can I join?**

Get in touch by writing a mail or whisper in game at: **Konsky.8563, Jackk.8104, Eekzie.5640**

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> @"Kiporion.8642" said:

> Heya! I'm interested I'm joining, I'm not online atm but I should be soon :smile:


> I've been playing on and off for a year, but just recently came back for real. I own both expansions.


> Hope there's still place for new members!


Ill send you guild invite right away, check it out while being online next time!

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We are still looking for new members, especially those who would like to join for weekly raid clears! Also if you are experienced raider, would like to help other people and lead them through this end-game content, you can apply for the position of Raid Commander in our guild!

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Hey ! I'm playing on and off since the launch and didn't do much more than sPvp and open world. I'm looking for a guild to start raiding and doing fractals ! I'd love to join your community if there's a spot for a noob druid ! :)

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Hi, I've just decided to pick up the game again after a couple of years. I'm looking for somewhere to re-learn the game while having fun and your post caught my eye.

Currently I'm playing Elementalist and am working to catch up on the story and map completion, but after that I'll likely be looking at Fractals and even Raiding.

I look forward to play with you guys if you'll have me!

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