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Revenant Corruption and dragon stance


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Rather then a discussion I would like to ask a question about Revenant class and his corruption specialization,

If you pick Venom enchantment and abyssal chill would that mean that procing chill would also proc not just torment but also poison? (ofc rampant vex is there by default)

If that is the case, would superior sigil of ice and superior sigil of hidromancy would also apply said effect or those 2 would stay unaffected?

Also would Unyielding Anguish then apply 2 poison stacks since it applies chill and torment, chill will draw another torment and torment will draw poison, so would chill invoked torment invoke poison aswell?


Furher question about dragon facet of darkness and other facets, do facets only apply boons to allies and would said facet of darkness apply might if you have incensed response in your build?

Also would songs of mist work in synergy with above mentioned mechanic in question since I can't seem to find which are exact conditions that demon and dragon stance inflict upon switching to said stance.



Thanks in advance

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1) both those sigils will proc torment and will proc poison. Just don't forget about the 10s icd.


Due to. the icd anything that procs both chill and torment only applies 1 stack of poison. This is because (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) while they seemingly happen exactly at the same time, the game actually reads one thing and then the other. Its just really really fast.


2) facet of darkness (fury boon) with incensed response only affects you and it only works in combat.


So if you gain fury, you also gain 5 might. But if ur ally gains fury from you, they only get fury.


Lmk if i missed something. Hope this helps.

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So each facet grants me said buffs and grants allies in range those buffs? I knew the thing about might from fury wont work on others, that one is self explanatory, but all facets explanations say grant allies, none of them actually says grant allies and yourself, while one with nature clearly says that it consumes active facets, so thats why I was confused .

On top side having shared empowerment can also work as might stacking tool in theory since all facets grant different boon and it counts per different boon applied , so in theory you grant allies 4 might stacks each 3 secs with 3 facets active(counting facet of strength as 2 stacks since it applies a boon which is coincidentally might), trying something new with rev since he seems fun to me but I'm unsure about things since I haven't even leveled him yet but I like the mechanic of special power pool and additional skills and combos you get to pull of...

As for sigils I'm not sure how it will work, I know that 2 for example critical hit chance sigils won't work together but having these 2 (chill on hit + aoe troment) and (chill on hit + Chill on swap) should work fine since none of them has same condition for procing.


If you got the time correct me if I misinterpret something , you already helped me quite a bit and it seems I will quite enjoy this thing of mine :D

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There are a couple exceptions (usually due to outdated tool tips), but by default "Allies" includes the caster, but doesn't count toward the target cap. Where it gets sketchy is the difference between "Outgoing" and "Incoming", and remote sourcing of an effect. When only concerning Self, Outgoing excludes you from the effect, while Incoming only includes you in the trigger conditions. Remote Sourcing is applying an effect to a target (or aoe, or whatever) and the effect treats the target as "self" for the purposes of the Effect.


But there are several effects which affect other players, but are sourced from the caster.... and this can cause a little confusion with what an effect will do. Probably the most universal is Boon Conversion effects and Winds of Disenchantment. A couple of Engineer traits actual break because WoD blocks boon application, and a number of traits are contingent on the "when applying" conditional. There was a short frenzy over Anticorrsion plating and Purity of Purpose threads after the patch, since Winds of Disenchantment can (in theory) prevent both of these traits from working entirely. I'm actually looking for answer to this one......

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By what you stated that would mean Envoy of exuberence would apply to me aswell if I'm in the range I cast skill to, but return part makes me wonder if it would heal me even if I'm out of range when I cast it and the heal comes back to me, some of the tooltips really need some rework to show what they actually mean...


Mine whole defensive setup is based on 2-3 traits and few skills which arent that hard to time and avoid CD's, but that is thought of with idea that everything will work as I think it will lol,

ANet Y U so confusing?


As for your engi question, I'm afraid I can't help with that one since Engi isn't real something I prefer...

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That skill works like Ele's Phoenix skill. The healing burst occurs at the location you target..... so in order to benefit, you have to be there when it detonates. The projectile portion of the skill only grants Protection. Theres no problem with the description, you're just reading into it too hard to find a loop hole.

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