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Low FPS when GW2 is the active window

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So, as the topic states - whenever I have GW2 "in focus", i.e it is the last thing I clicked on with my mouse, my FPS in-game just absolutely TANKS.


Whenever it's not in focus I have upwards to 90 FPS, but when I click the game again to make it active, the FPS just drudges to a halt on 25 FPS, almost like it's locked there. I get momental spurs of 70 FPS sometimes before it goes back down again, and I can't for the life of me figure out why this is.


And just to be clear; YES this happens even when I have literally everything set to the lowest possible setting.

Does anyone have any input on this? Similar cases, or whatever?


i7 5820k

980 Ti OC @ 1240 MHz, 3702 MHz memory


Edit: I just noticed in my Task Manager that my GPU does these weird drops from 90% usage to 20% sometimes. Clicking outside the game makes my GPU workload high again. My card can't be throttling, since it works just perfectly fine when the game is not the focus.. What gives? Anyone with some sort of advice?


Edit 2: Problem seems to remove itself when going into Fullscreen mode. But what is the point in having several monitors if I have to Alt-Tab in and out of the game? Sigh..

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