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Choosing a proffesion, need some help.

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Hey there! Trying to choose a proffesion but i know very little about the classes. and what suits my playstyle. I mostly pvp and wvw. I have tried thief but found them too squishy when caught and to much hit and run. Warrior was fun but still feels like smth is missing. I like melee characters that can fight face to face but still have mobility options and a more "skillfull" approach than just all out brute force. High outplay potential would be great.


I liked windwalker monk in wow, and yasuo in leauge if that helps.


Thank you

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> @"Brobeansqt.2640" said:

> Hey there! Trying to choose a proffesion but i know very little about the classes. and what suits my playstyle. I mostly pvp and wvw. I have tried thief but found them too squishy when caught and to much hit and run. Warrior was fun but still feels like smth is missing. I like melee characters that can fight face to face but still have mobility options and a more "skillfull" approach than just all out brute force. High outplay potential would be great.


> I liked windwalker monk in wow, and yasuo in leauge if that helps.


> Thank you


If you're a new player, play either warrior, ranger or necromancer. Since you stated that you like melee professions, play warrior. You will enjoy the profession a lot.

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Too be honest, if you want to WvW you may like Revenant. If you look at Metabattle's WvW builds, I use a modified version of Hammer backline and use Swords over Staff because I like to spar when in melee range.


Revs have some pretty cool melee moves and when I was levelling in PVE, I used Sword/Axe or Dual Swords depending on the fight and had the Hammer equipped for Ranged mobs. Overall, I found it a highly mobile class that offered a lot of flexibility with builds and weapons. Once you get Herald and Renegade trained there are a lot of options there as well; particularly with the Hammer Backline build I mentioned for WvW. The Renegade has a fair number of builds that are used in all game modes as well.


I don't SPVP so I cannot offer advice about playability in that mode.


If you do not have the Elite specs trained, I would recommend looking at this build for open world leveling and just flip staff for Hammer. Smoosh mobs!! It is fun!!!!

[https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Revenant_-_Power_Sword](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Revenant_-_Power_Sword "https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Revenant_-_Power_Sword")


Also, if you are just levelling and trying out a character, like someone else said, go to the PVP lobby and check out the Elite Specs etc. In addition, metabattle always uses level 80 Ascended gear in their "levelling or open world builds" you don't need that while leveling. Whatever drops is fine. Worry about gear at level 80 and beyond.

Good luck!

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> @"Brobeansqt.2640" said:

> Hey there! Trying to choose a proffesion but i know very little about the classes. and what suits my playstyle. I mostly pvp and wvw. I have tried thief but found them too squishy when caught and to much hit and run. Warrior was fun but still feels like smth is missing. I like melee characters that can fight face to face but still have mobility options and a more "skillfull" approach than just all out brute force. High outplay potential would be great.


"face to face but still have mobility" As I read this, the class coming to my mind would be Holosmith, Spellbreaker, Thief, Mirage possibly (it's a bit like thief gameplay).


I would say Warrior is still your best option, as it is "face to face with a lot of mobility" and "not too squishy" either. I would suggest that you try out various weapon set, and explore what each particular does, and which ones best suit your playstyle, as well as what sigils do you like best. My guess is that, if you are still new to GW2, you may have rushed through some weapon set, and not explored their full potential.


> I liked windwalker monk in wow, and yasuo in leauge if that helps.


Also GW2 PVP is fairly harder to get into than WoW PVP, since GW2 allows you to dodge and have specific combos, while having a lot of playable specialisation, it makes everything fairly difficult.

I would suggest that you watch some video, about the class Vannss has amazing PVP and WvW roaming Spb video on his [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/user/xXGiJoNXx "YouTube") channel.

Also, I've seen that someone mentioned Metabattle for builds. Metabattle is okayish. WvW builds are great however PVP (Conquest) builds are generally outdated. I would suggest to rather look at Frostball discord https://discord.gg/QcsQYx and another website whose name I cannot remembered created by some GW2 twitch streamer.

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> @"Brobeansqt.2640" said:

> Trying to choose a proffesion but i know very little about the classes. and what suits my playstyle.


My first bit of advice is that GW2 actually has *different* classes, in the sense that almost every MMO in the universe has the, eg, paladin template, and they all work more or less the same. GW2 ... doesn't. Classes don't feel like they do in other MMOs even if they share the name. (eg: Necromancer is much closer to WoW DK than anything else.)


> I have tried thief but found them too squishy when caught and to much hit and run.


They have a lot of defenses, but you have to actively use them; this is the nature of GW2 gameplay. It is **radically** different from WoW in that regard. "Don't stand in the fire" is actually way, way more significant and applies second to second in GW2, not just occasionally.


You will probably find, at some point, that it clicks, and suddenly they are way more robust for you, if you keep practicing. One place to do that, incidentally, would be HoT or LS3 Lake Doric enemies: they are smarter, harder hitting, and require more specific counters than core or most of PoF. It won't be PvP quality responsiveness, but it will help mastering the basics.


> I liked windwalker monk in wow, and yasuo in leauge if that helps.


Please keep in mind I stopped playing WW Monk around mid alt-Draenor, so if it changed since then my views may be inaccurate, but I think that the classes I would pick that feel similar in the sense of "build and burst" rotations, mobility, and more active defenses, would be as follows, roughly in order of how much I think you will like them.


Mesmer. Any type of mesmer, though core and Mirage seem more to your taste. Their phantasm/close mechanic is very similar to the Chi mechanism of WW, and provides burst damage or utility. They are quite mobile, including short range teleports and their "portal" system, much like the long cooldown translocation of Monk. Their weapon sets "feel" to me much like WW did: fairly simple rotations, but with a high skill ceiling where you can extract much more with practice.


Warrior-Berserker provides a very build-and-burst rotation. Physical skills, and appropriate weapon selection will give you mobility and active defenses WW style.

Warrior-Spellbreaker, I understand, also provides similar stuff.


Ranger-Soulbeast provides a solid set of choices; their GS based builds probably give you the mobility you want. Since you can absorb or release the pet, it doesn't mandate playing a pet build as such. (...and I understand that it is wildly better than the WoW hunter version of the same; to start with, it isn't completely dreadful.)


Things that I think will look tempting, but don't fit your desires:


Revenant, of any stripe, because it doesn't really offer the mobility you are after.


Engineer, of any stripe, because it is significantly more complex and depends way more on static or ground-based stuff than WW did.

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> @"Brobeansqt.2640" said:

> Hey there! Trying to choose a proffesion but i know very little about the classes. and what suits my playstyle. I mostly pvp and wvw. I have tried thief but found them too squishy when caught and to much hit and run. Warrior was fun but still feels like smth is missing. I like melee characters that can fight face to face but still have mobility options and a more "skillfull" approach than just all out brute force. High outplay potential would be great.


> I liked windwalker monk in wow, and yasuo in leauge if that helps.


> Thank you


Actually, as I reflect on this post a bit more, I am wondering if you would like Mesmer and the elite Mirage. They have a ton of mobility and are a lot of fun to play in all game modes.

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> @"Warkind.6745" said:

> Mobile close ranged fighters that are more durable than thieves brings to mind dagger/dagger elementalists and weavers.


WW also had a "build and burst" style: build up resources, spend them on high damage attacks or buffs. I'm not familiar enough with those builds to know if they are similar? (No criticism, I genuinely want to learn.)

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > Mobile close ranged fighters that are more durable than thieves brings to mind dagger/dagger elementalists and weavers.


> WW also had a "build and burst" style: build up resources, spend them on high damage attacks or buffs. I'm not familiar enough with those builds to know if they are similar? (No criticism, I genuinely want to learn.)


I don't play elementalist very much, but unless there's some build that plays around with damage buffing effects I don't think they have any kind of resource to stack. They just have access to a large variety of skills, so they're pretty versatile.


The two classes I can think of that function like that are warriors that build up adrenaline and then can gain boons, healing, deal damage etc. by landing their burst skills and deadeye thieves that need to stack Malice to land big bursts.

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