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[PvE] Dual Axe Build


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Hi All, I'm hoping to get suggestions on how to make a dual axe wielding ranger (planning on going druid) as good as it can be, even though it will never be close to meta. I'm very new to the game, and currently at around level 50, and play in a small party (two or three people) for PvE open world so far, but likely will dabble in dungeons.


I know Axe/Warhorn is respected, but I really want to focus on going Axe/Axe and making that as good as can be. Currently spec'd out with Nature Magic and Beastmastery which I'm enjoying, with all five shouts equip'd as well. I like the idea of switching between Axe/Axe and Staff at 80.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

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Atm Axe MH is condi focussed and the probably most dmg skill has no good power coefficient in PvE.

AA is nice for powerbuilds too.

Axe OH and Staff are power based weapons so this should work fine.

Keep leveling maybe a upcomming patch will unsplit the power coeff of Splitblade (Axe 2) and thus make it more viable for power builds.

You could also make a hybrid style build with condi dmg and power.

I can recommend a druid trapper build with axe/axe, spike trap, entangle ancient seeds and glyph of equality. Together with marshal gear you even have decent heal power and you deal good amounts of dmg with power and condis.

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As you said, this won't be "Meta" But it will absolutely work well in open world, dungeons, and lower level fractals.


The build I run for dual axes is a crit heavy, ferocity/power based build. It does not use shouts as much as you'd like, nor does it include Druid for staff, but you could tweak it anyway you like.


Make all of your armor and trinkets Marauder, with Berserker Weapons.


Specializations are


1. Skirmishing

Primal reflexes - > Spotter - > Vicious Quarry


2. Wilderness Survival

Soften the fall - > Shared Anguish - > Wilderness Knowledge


3. Beastmastery

Resounding Timbre - > Natural Healing - > **Honed Axes (Important one)**


I use the following utility skills


Troll Unguent for healing,

Quickening Zephyr, Lightning Reflexes, and a shout of your choice. The elite is "Rampage as one"


It's a fun build with lots of burst - Very high crit chance, near 100% fury up time, with huge bursty crits from axe skills.


If you have any other questions feel free to ask, but I hope thats a good place to start



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> @"Coronam.6039" said:

> Hi All, I'm hoping to get suggestions on how to make a dual axe wielding ranger (planning on going druid) as good as it can be, even though it will never be close to meta. I'm very new to the game, and currently at around level 50, and play in a small party (two or three people) for PvE open world so far, but likely will dabble in dungeons.


> I know Axe/Warhorn is respected, but I really want to focus on going Axe/Axe and making that as good as can be. Currently spec'd out with Nature Magic and Beastmastery which I'm enjoying, with all five shouts equip'd as well. I like the idea of switching between Axe/Axe and Staff at 80.


> Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


I’ve actually ran exactly what you’re talking about running in PvP, used it to clear first 2 raid bosses around when they came out (before I got tired of trying to find groups), and have cleared T4 fractals with it very consistently.


It works well, it’s not the most optimal or meta thing in the game, but contrary to popular belief that’s not required. If you’re planning on using Druid though I’d absolutely recommend a stat line that has healing power on it. Harriers is best for the meta build because of the might stacking and all the booms from spirits, but if you’re using shouts you won’t NEED concentration for anything other than grace of the land (if you run it) so it may be better for you to run with like Magi, or the stat like on sunspear armor (cavaliers maybe?)


If you ever plan on raiding, I’d stay away from clerics or any other armor with toughness, otherwise you’ll end up pulling aggro.

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The sunspear set is marshal gear.

With power, healing power, crit and condi its actually quiet suited for a versatile supporter.


Something like double axe and staff.

For open PvE: primal echoes verdant etching and ancient seeds.with spike trap, entangle, glyph of equality and one open utility slot with troll unguent. Together with WS and Nature magic.

And for group: live vicariously, verdant etching and lingering light. Also equality, frost spirit, sun spirit and 2 open slots for heal and elite.



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Thank you all for your suggestions, this is all great! I'm going to try out Eskimo's build (WS/SK/BM) before I hit 80 and see how that works, then try on some Druid glyph stuff like Insane suggests. Marshal gear is what I'm leaning towards now, thanks for the suggestions! I'd like to have some healing focus as well as be able to dish out some decent area damage.

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If anyone could critique, I'm considering the following two builds at 80 with Marshall gear, twin axes, and a staff (the parenthetical versions being shout/regen/dps focused and the regular versions being more support and crowd control)

Skirmishing: Trapper's Expertise (Sharpened Edges), Spotter, Quick Draw

Beastmastery: Potent Ally (Resounding Timbre), Natural Healing, Honed Axes

Druid: Primal Echoes, Verdant Etching (Celestial Shadow), Ancient Seeds (Grace of the Land)

Utility: Healing Spring (We Heal as One), Glyph of Equality (Guard), Glyph of the Tides (Protect Me), Spike Trap (Search and Rescue), Entangle (Strength of the Pack)

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