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Uhm excuse me but why are there no 2 handed axes?

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > I gotta admit.. a Necromancer with a Great Axe.. does sound bad kitten!

> > So a skin for greatsword should do it.


> Or maybe add in an Elite Spec that gives them Hammer, and skin that.


Even better.

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> > @"Trise.2865" said:


> > **Another Thing to Consider**: The Greataxe is obviously a Warrior weapon designed to be wielded by Warriors. What use would any other profession have for it? How >would a Revenant wield one? or a Ranger? or a Guardian? Would a Necromancer lug around this heavy thing instead of a hand ax? Would a Mesmer trade the Greatsword's >elegance for a flailing Greataxe? I challenge anyone to name a character in fiction that wields a Greataxe (NOT a hand ax) that isn't a Warrior archetype (I'm genuinely >interested in this because I sure as heck can't think of one). We'll come back to this.


Eddie Riggs, games that involves a woodsman or tree logging such as Rook from the Banner Saga, Pokemon trainers, Final Fantasy games, Jack Torrance from the Shining, The Once-ler from Dr Seuss, , The Tin Man from Wizard of Oz, Santa from Silent Night, Paul Bunyan, The chick dragon rider from how to train your dragon, I want to say Conan the Barbarian too....


I'm sure there's more.


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