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How good is thief these days?

mango of justice.8961

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DE rifle at the moment is at a great spot, gotta pick the right moment to strike or back out. Powercreep destroyed good fights the game used to offer and this is most apparent in wvw with bloodlust stacks, etc. It is not fun at all when you exploded in split second, not because of skills but rather who gets the drop on who first.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"Specialka.7290" said:

> > > >

> > > > Thief needs to be weaker because it can ambush from stealth and is mobile? So can we talk about Mesmer?

> > > >

> > > > You do know that in any other mmos or evem games, rogues are always the kings of 1v1?

> > >

> > > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > > >

> > > > Dumbest thing I have read in awhile. Mesmers can literally do all the things can do without punishment. Condi Mirage can literally apply conditions in between stealthing. While also being super mobile as well.



> >

> > I've been trying to get people to understand this for years.

> >

> > There should be a feeling of fairness any time you lose. It's why powercreep and instant-cast damage are killing this game.

> >

> > Rather than asking for less of it, people just want more of it, but specifically more of it for themselves and only themselves.


> Okay this is where i start talking. Lets have a small explanation here. A thief. It is a person who is STEALING, Bulglaring houses, Burning down farm, killing any witnesses, works at night, is sneaky, not very honest, with lack of good will, always wanting more for himself. WHY IN THE HELL are you complaining about the fact that such person would constantly hide (in stealth) and than rekt you with backstab from behind? IT IS A THIEF!!! It is supposed to be naughty it is supposed to be vile and evil and relentless. That is why they are mobile and should be able to stealth forever. Do you know how much life does thief have if playing propper build? 11k and less. We cant afford walking staright to a warior with 24k health and poke him in the eye! We need stealth we need poisons we need traps and if you dont like it then go cry to corner. Thief is supposed to be invisible slaughtering machine because it is in his nature. Other classes already have enough protections to survive such attack so please do not whine. thank you


I main(ed) thief. You must be new around here to not know that because I've been a prominent poster in this section since this game launched. Your post also really brings nothing of value to the table as far as mechanics or numbers go; you just discussed a theme, and one that's easily disagreeable. Robin Hood as a fictional character was a thief and not evil in the slightest. Further, your concept of the thief is totally arbitrary and warped beyond what the original design and current vision of the thief is; at best, the thief was to be a duelist, not a killing machine. There's absolutely zero evidence to suggest your claims are the intention of the developers.


I'm not complaining. I want my wins to be because my opponents got out-played or failed to play well or react to my moves. It's one of the reasons I picked thief up in the beginning of the game to begin with; I liked its style, and it was designed to be the hardest, highest-skillcap class.


To achieve this, thief needs some innate weaknesses and some trickery to be viable to pull these kinds of maneuvers, but there's a difference between allowing for this and having bad design run rampant across all professions which makes the game unenjoyable to its opponents. I'm sick of playing against downright broken stuff. I'm sick of being effectively forced into playing broken stuff. That there's no out-play potential in the game anymore. Because people keep using "But X class has Y mechanic so we deserve it too," without looking at the context of game health or other advantages and synergies of their class.


Just asking for more power isn't going to solve the game not feeling fun because it's an endless spiral. We've already reached and passed many players' limits. The game would be more aptly named Build Wars 2 at this point. Things need definitive weaknesses which can be punished. What makes a player good is overcoming those weaknesses, not just being a big ball of stats and playing visually-impressive rock paper scissors online.


If something is overbearing and not fun to play against and encroaches too much on the role and identity of another class, it needs to be nerfed or reworked. Which I've voiced complaints about with the Mirage and other classes. Very few people are going to defend the state of Mirage. There's no reason to set the benchmark of where the thief should be balanced around what's being largely considered overpowered.



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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > @"Specialka.7290" said:


> If something is overbearing and not fun to play against and encroaches too much on the role and identity of another class, it needs to be nerfed or reworked. Which I've voiced complaints about with the Mirage and other classes. Very few people are going to defend the state of Mirage. There's no reason to set the benchmark of where the thief should be balanced around what's being largely considered overpowered.


1st Robin hood is fictional character which never existed i am talking about thieves that in medieval times would be quite realistic

2nd i have made so many suggestions to change theives mechanics to adapt it (not giving it extra powers just swapping the traits or stuff like that) and always got cold showered from someone who thinks it is bs to change thief at all

3rd i agree that outplaying someone is more enjoyable i know that feeling but we have reached the point where it is nearly impossible for thief to outplay anything the weaknesses we have remain and the weaknesses enemy classes did have were patched up. I am dueling quite a lot i'd say with ppl who have skill and if i dont play redtarded p/p dead eye or condi trapper DD i wont get a win even if i try as hard as i want And if i do plaay p/p or c/t i get salted for using condis (well obviously) or for playing build that can be viable only in duels (p/p) you cant get with p\p anywhere beyond PVE and dungeons (which are dead by now)



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And we're talking about a highly unrealistic video game. "Realistic" doesn't apply here. You talk about RP, but our characters are literally the saviors of Tyria in GW2. Class only means fighting mechanics in this game.


And the notion of "thieves" in medieval times is completely asinine. "Thieves" in medieval times wouldn't fight with daggers. Strictly speaking, they really wouldn't fight at all. Bandits would rob unarmed merchants on the side of the road. They'd die instantly trying to ward off anyone armed and as such would never dare fight something like a warrior/guardian. You're the one basing assumptions on pop culture and fantasy settings. I'm basing my assertions on gameplay mechanics and only that. Which in the context of "fun play" for PvP games, is all that actually matters.


I fight with knives in real life for recreation and martial arts and am part of a historical society focused on medieval combat in accordance with treatises and the likes. I've posted about this before regarding "realism" of the thief. While I fight with a lot of weapons, I specialize in knives. The entire concept of the thief in gw2 is the result of pop culture and cool-factor. Daggers are about the least effective weapon that can possibly be used in pitch combat, formed leather armor never actually existed in any culture in history and is horrendously impractical, and assassinations were done with poisons or done by trusted individuals of the victim more than anything else, so your argument is again pretty baseless when talking about "realism."


It's entirely possible your suggestions do not match the design of the class or simply aren't any good.


The two builds you mention (P/P and D/D condi) aren't even good builds and are considered as the two lowest-skill builds associated with bad thieves who just can't play the class, so there's also the distinct possibility you're just a way worse thief than you think you are and are thus likely to request unreasonable suggestions.


Lack of kit viability for some of the builds (I'm probably one of if not the most prominent D/D power player here so I understand being weak) doesn't change the fact there's little room for change in the thief's power within reason, and that the issues lie in the other professions, either.


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