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[SoR] The Comeback Starts Here!


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Let me tell you what we are really about in SoR... Leather! You can find it all over WvW these days. All you have to do is bust open a few gates and the stuff is literally just sitting there for the taking. Sometimes enemy players like to show up and try to prevent us from getting the leather the seem to be guarding in their keeps and towers. This has always boggled us as it seems everyone can partake of the leather held within these locations for free. After extensive research we have concluded that these players are simply evil doers who are trying to create a leather monopoly, well we won't stand for it! If you join us in SoR know that you join a righteous fight to acquire all the leather we can get our hands on. We will destroy any who stand in the way of our glorious conquest.

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> @"Foghladha.2506" said:

> Thank you Mysteriax.6049 and Bad Axxe#2937 for rallying the troops. You're gonna find a lot of hate directed at us (GSCH) along the way. I will tell you what I told them all those years ago, we're here to help but won't stand for toxic behavior. I applaud you guys for making the move to bring SOR back into the light and will do what we can to assist.

> As for JQ, I've loved playing with you guys. If there was no more SOR we'd be home with you guys for certain. You've been the most gracious host and we respect you guys a ton. Thank you for all your assistance with tips, builds and encouragement. That said I still do enjoy T2-3 more than T1 or T4. The toxic levels are at an all-time high on top or bottom. The sweet spot seems to be in the middle. Being a mercenary server for so long has actually been a blessing. We've been able to test the water with so many different servers and make friends with most of them.

> The part i find so funny is YEARS after those guilds left our server sending SOR on a one way trip to the bottom, they went to other servers, that currently reside on the bottom as well. This same group of people have traveled from server to server destroying the community, using it up, and throwing it away like yesterdays trash, time and time again.... yet the people who stuck with a server they believe in... from the beginning... through thick and thin even when things get hard are the weak and the cause of a servers demise. I think not. We're **NOT** the only server that experienced "That Alliance". The list of people who have encountered them grows by the day and we do not stand alone anymore. Yet years later they are still trying to point the finger at us...

> Gaiscioch still takes to the field every day. We do what we can to help. Wether its scribing upgrades for keeps or escorting yaks to upgrade a keep we work with our allies to fill whatever job needs to be filled with the tools we have available. So Mysteriax and Bad Axxe, just say the word and we'll be there to help.

> Foghladha


Hate is a strong word, there was just some mismatched personalities between the super hardcore and more casual guilds on the server.

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> @"henchmen.1856" said:

> > @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > JQ and SOR are leading T1 why do they need any more?


> because end of this month sor will be linked with crystal desert and every guild except gsch/hol will leave... again....


Not sure CD will be a host server with Kaineng's increase.

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  • 2 weeks later...

500 gems and a week standdown on match pip gains so think carefully before you move anywhere


I moved to Sor a while ago and have no regrets

Great bunch of people and im pretty sure its going to be the refuge for everyone else thats fed up with the dramallama bs elsewhere

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To those of you worried about going back and then having the new system come out, stop worrying.


The new system won't be out until mid-late 2019 at least, maybe early 2020. You have a full year or more to do whatever you like, so it's still worth transferring.

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