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Queen Bee Infusion

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Well I guess that troll with 8 queen bees really got what's coming to him...owait except stacking that many infusions...or stacking that many of most of the infusions is eye murder. Although I'd admit stacking 8 of the winter's heart ones are kinda nice. I bet snow diamonds aren't that bad either. This is why we can't have nice things. Trolls ruin it for everyone.

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> @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> "Queen Bee Infusion: This item's looping audio effect has been removed to address an unintended level of noise."


> Really? Removing it completely was the best anyone could come up with? kitten?


They only removed it, so they could work on it. That's not their final solution.

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A great idea would be to have a "buzzing noise on weapon wield" effect. This effect would be functionally similar to Timekeeper weapons, which play a tick-tock effect upon wielding them. This way you get a unique buzzing noise like before, but it would not be a perpetually played one. Just a one time trigger, which would have a short cool down of how frequently it could be played. Quickly wielding and stowing Timekeeper weapons (out of combat), for example, will only play the tick-tock effect once every 5 to 10ish seconds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I'm actually enjoying using this infusion without the constant loud buzzing, I do (generally) really miss the audio. I hope they manage to find a middle ground of some sort soon™ (and moreso hope they don't entirely forget about it or sweep it under the rug).

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